.bk A09 .fl L924jw.j .fd view log and descriptions v56-v58 .ei jlw .ed L924 .rd L624 .ri jlw v 56 ph the first days of the excavation are a time of promise, when the architecture is just beginning to appear after being covered for thousands of years. This photo gives a hint of this process. In the foreground we see locus k21 being prepared for excavation. It was an unusual location because it more or less coincided with a step trench that was part of the MZ6 explorations of this part of the tell. The other units of the step trench ascend the hill toward the top. To the right is k22, which has just been excavated to the level of its last occupation. v 57 ph pits are interesting features in that they are vehicles for moving material from later periods into accumulations and architecture from earlier periods. We try to excavate them first before digging to the lower levels into which they intrude. This pit, a24, was unusual in that it had lower layers that were sealed by a brickfall, f221. Our first Khabur sherd was found near the bottom, dating the time of the digging and the level of the top to Phase 5. v57 is shot from the top of the pit towards the bottom. v57a is shot from the bottom to illustrate the brickfall. v 58 ph most tannurs are found after they have been used. One, f239, was apparently under construction, because there were no signs of burning and there was a pile of red clay, identical to that in the tannur body, nearby. This photo documents this unusual discovery. v58a is a tight view of the tannur body that is being fabricated. v 56 NE gk21,22 photo in the first days of the work showing the relation of the previously dug step-trench and the new loci. 57 OS ga24 gf221 pit sealed by brickfall. 57a m N gf221 closeup of bricks 58 NW gk11 gf239,228,225 tannur under fabrication 58a t SE gf239 closeup of tannur