.bk A9 .fl L926jw.j .fd view log and descriptions v63-v70 .ei jlw .ed L926 .rd L714 .ri jlw v 63 ph one of the few cylinder seals to have been found, i138, was discovered near the surface in k15 in an unorganized mass of baked and unbaked bricks, f302. This photograph documents the findspot, with v63a a closeup of the same scene. A square of white paper marks the exact location since, by that time the seal, which was about 2cm long had been removed to the house for safekeeping and cleaning. .rd L716 v 64 ph most burials of adults are in dug graves or manufactured tombs. In Phase 4 and Phase 5, children are sometimes buried in jars. In this case the jar was placed into a pit. We could not tell whether the pit was specially dug for the purpose of burial or not. (jw had the initial impression that the jar was placed in a pit that was in use for disposal of household refuse.) v63 documents the context of the jar. v63a is a closeup of the jar, i139. .rd L722 v 65 ph we found a curious oval structure, f315, made of pink clay, sitting in the middle of an open area, in the SW quadrant of k24. jw and gb thought that it was most likely the bottom of a pit, since many are lined with red clay chunks. vp thought it might have been the bottom of a large basket. Heike Pfaelzner thought that it could have been a stand for large baskets, particularly since a very large stone basin that could have been part of a grain processing facility was found nearby at a slightly lower elevation. This photograph documents this feature. .rd L722 v 66 ph this photograph documents the section of the east baulk of k15. The main view had to be taken with a wide-angle lens, therefore the auxilliary views are taken in a north and south section to preserve as much accurate detail as possible with the non-distorting lens. The subviews with string are used to match the photo with the drawn section. v 67 ph this photograph documents the section of the east baulk of k14. views with string are used to match the photo with the drawn section. .rd L801 v 68 ph this photograph documents the section of the north baulk of k41. views with string are used to match the photo with the drawn section. v 69 ph this photograph documents the section of the north baulk of k31. views with string are used to match the photo with the drawn section. v 70 ph loci k10 and k11 are stratigraphically interesting because there has been a lot of building and remodeling during Phase 4 and Phase 5. These units ascend the slope of the tell from south to north and, although generally the earliest architecture is to the south, there are Phase 4 structures in both loci. Phase 5 is found only near the surface in k11, but natural erosion down the tell may have destroyed structures to the south. The NW quadrant of k11 had only been partially excavated in MZ6, and we have only removed the pits from the revion of the photograph this season. Never the less, one can see evidence of several different phases of building here. The major structure illustrated by this view was categorized as bricks, f295. In fact the situation is a bit more complex. There does appear to be at least one layer of bricks laid upon some type of relatively clean, dense fill or packing. However as can be seen in section along the west baulk, there is another line of bricks above more fill that indicates that the last use occurred at this higher level. Similar elevations are the only evidence linking the bricks in the section and the pise wall, f225. The rectangular cutouts to the floor level are mini-sections taken from the edges of pit walls. On balance, the situation is complex and the next time we work in k11, we must remove f295 by forming long sections which can then be studied. The short sections we now have are not useful for understanding what occurred here. v 63 E gk15 gf302 gi138 findspot of cylinder seal, i138 63a t NE gf302 gi138 closeup of findspot 64 W gk24 ga36 gf297 gi139 jar burial of young person 64a t O gi139 closeup of jar 65 N gk24 gf315 oval clay structure 66 E gk15 section of east baulk of k15 66a m E gk15 north section with string 66b m E gk15 south section with string 66c m E gk15 north section without string 66d m E gk15 south section without string 67 E gk14 section of east baulk of k14 with string 67a m E gk14 section of east baulk of k14 without string 68 N gk41 section of north baulk of k41 without string 68a m N gk41 section of north baulk of k41 with string 69 N gk31 section of north baulk of k31 with string 69a m N gk31 section of north baulk of k31 without string 70 NW gk11 gf295,228,225 brick and fill in NW corner of k11