.bk A9 .fl L930jw.j .fd view log and descriptions v84-v85 .ei jlw .ed L929 .rd L802 .ri jlw v 84 ph to some extent locus 41 is transitional, perhaps between subphases of Khabur. The massive N-S wall, a25 cuts across the SW corner and there is what appears to be a tomb, a37 in the center. In section, in the north baulk can be seen a poorly built wall, f343, that may be a foundation for a later building. Also, there is a large ash lens, f344, in the section whose source is unknown. v 85 ph the work in A9 was conducted away from the focus of our attention for the past few years, the excavation of the architecture associated with the palace of Tupkish. Our goal was to determine if the later settlements in A7 and A11 were linked through A9. Our work clearly shows this to be the case. This photograph shows the location of A9 to the NW and higher up the slope than the palace, with A11 flanking to the southeast (left) and A7 flanking to the west (right). v 84 NE gk41,31 ga25,37 gf332,343,344 final photo for k41 85 SSE relationship of palace, A7, A9, and A11