.bk A09 .fl L930jw1.j .fd aggregate log for entire season .ei jlw .ed L929 .rd L929 .ri jlw a 23 10 ta i103,i104,q662,f215,f216 tannur with adjacent bones, jar and pot. 24 11 pt f221,f222,i107,q669 pit with brickfall sealing contents, which include a Khabur sherd. 25 21 w f204,f208,f273 retaining wall, pise foundation and mudbricks forming a 4.5 meter-wide N-S wall that extends at least 13 meters north from k21 to k41, where it disappears into the west baulk. 26 10 ta f226 tannur with well-preserved shell. 27 10 ta f215 duplicate of a23. 28 11 mix i113,i114,q682 group of artifacts that may be related, including a strainer, animal horn and pottery. 29 11 pt f240,q683,q687 very large, dirty pit in NE corner. Cut by wall, f225. 30 10 bu f211,f270,f271,f230,f235,q731 suspected grave due to style of bricks in 4-wall enclosure and orientation. However, no bones were found, probably because we stopped digging down to move to another locus. 31 31 bu f282,f283,i132 burial in cut into large E-W wall, f282. 32 31 bu f281,f289 grave that was excavated, documented and then re-covered during the MZ6 step trench excavations. We re-covered it since we did not intend to dig deeper in the locus in MZ14. 33 11 pf f238,f229,f295,f243,f253 platform across the southern edge of locus. It consists of vertical brick courses to the south, internal fill behind to the north, which is in turn capped by horizontal courses of bricks. 34 22 pt f301 dark ashy material once believed to be fill for a pit. Later inspection of sections in the middle and north baulks of the locus revealed that this may be an ash layer that appears everywhere. 35 15 mix i140,i137,i138,f300 collection of artifacts, including one seal around a disorganized patch of baked and unbaked bricks. 36 24 bu i139,i146,i147,q825 child burial in jar. 37 51 dw f321,f323,f339,i154 possible entrance from south into room in House 1. Includes 2 wall stubs, floor/foundation, and door socket. Includes parts of k52 also 38 52 r f322,f324,f341 remnants of NE corner of late reuse room in House 1. 39 52 r f322,f339 SW corner of room in House 2. 40 52 bu f340 simple, modern grave not excavated this season.