.bk A9 .fl M622jw.j .fd lists and descriptions for features f347 to f359 .ei jlw .ed M622 .rd M622 .ri jlw f 347 21 f brick 348 24 w pise 349 24 w pise 350 21 pt-c 351 21 pt-c 352 21 pt-c 353 21 w pise 354 21 fa pise 355 21 fi 356 11 w brick 357 11 fa pise 358 11 fc 359 11 bkg brick f 348 df w ds E-W pise wall in NE corner of k24. Component of wall system that includes N-S wall f325. Discovered in section of east baulk after removal of what first appeared to be very hard accumulation, but to jlw's subsequent disappointment turned out to be much of f325. There apparently was a thin strip of accumulation between the east face of f325 and the north face of f348, perhaps forming the corner of a room extending to the north and east. The area needs to be carfully scraped and inspected to confirm this hypothesis. There is also the distinct possibility that the stone and sherd pavement, f336, is associated with this wall system, particularly since jlw has learned that not only is pise a common building material for foundations, but has been used for millennia as material for stand-alone walls, including those exposed to weather. f 349 df w ds N-S pise wall in SE corner of k24. Noticed in south section of east baulk. Photographed, but not noticed in time for extensive study. About the same elevation as walls, f325 and f348, but it is unclear what the relationship among these may be. All of locus k24 should be carefully scraped and inspected to determine the relationships among features at this elevation. f 350 df pt-c ds exterior walls of pit in the center of the north baulk of k21 and containing fill, f212. Designated a feature to differentiate the the act of digging from the act of the filling, which in theory can be widely separated in time. f 351 df pt-c ds exterior walls of pit in the west quarter of the north baulk of k21, most likely dug for a child burial. Designated a feature to differentiate the the act of digging from the act of the filling, which in theory can be widely separated in time. f 352 df pt-c ds exterior walls of pit in the center of the north baulk of k21, most likely dug for a child burial. Designated a feature to differentiate the the act of digging from the act of the filling, which in theory can be widely separated in time. f 353 df w ds E-W pise wall in the NE corner of k21. Seen in section in the east baulk, having been previously excavated as part of the step trench in 1994. tc bo f354 f 354 df fa ds pise floor associated with wall, f353, in the NE corner of k21. Seen in section in the east baulk, having been previously excavated as part of the step trench in 1994. tc bo f353 f 355 df fi ds fill covering floor, f354 and bounded on the south by wall, f353, in the NE corner of k21. Seen in section in the east baulk, having been previously excavated as part of the step trench in 1994. Instead of fill for new construction the material could also possibly be naturally deposited accumulation during a period of abandonment. tc co f354 f 356 df w ds at least four courses of brick overlaying pise floor, f357, along east baulk of k11. Seen in partial section of an E-W cut. Purpose not yet known. tc co f357 f 357 df fa ds pise floor that abuts E-W pise wall, f268, along the east baulk of k11. At the wall/floor interface, the pise is rounded up against the south face of this wall. Seen in partial section of N-S and E-W cuts in the NE corner of the locus. tc co f358 tc ab f268 f 358 df fc ds subfloor or reused floor that abuts E-W pise wall, f268, along the east baulk of k11. Best analysis of partial sections of N-S and E-W cuts in the NE corner of the locus is that this forms a subfloor for f357. Both are rounded up against the south face of this wall. Further analysis needed to tell whether the material is compacted earth or pise. f 359 df bkg ds two courses of mudbrick that cover mudbricks, f356 along the east baulk of k11. The sets of bricks are different colors and probably reflect separate phases of construction. tc co f356