.bk A10 .fl h616fab.j .fd H616 .fn notes entered directly on the computer .ei fAB .ed h616 .ri fAB .rd h616 -sg Tomorrow we must excavate two diverse strata: the later level in ks 3,2 and 5, and the earlier level in k1. The later level appears to be a structure, with a tannur possibly linked to it (k5). The strategy for excavating this strata is this: to go down in k3 following and defining the wall until the floor is reached. The floor may have been the hard laminations seen in the extreme E of k2. GB will bring the new students tomorrow to teach them on this wall. The second operation in this strata is to step the S part of k5, below the tannur, which is still topsoil due to the sharp slope of the mound/wadi in this point. This will give us a better understanding of the tannur in relation to the material in k2, and help define the relation between the angled surfaces and this later occupation. The second strata is the presumed AK wall in k1. This we will approach from two directions: from above by digging through the bricky mass until we reach a solid wall, and from the section. The section we will divide into two portions, the N and S parts. Since the wall is 120 cm, we think that Diadinn can dig only half, giving a nice visual representation of the wadi fill that remains and the wall surface behind. Relays will also be a prioirty, especially if the wall does come out on the surface of K1. k 1 pr we will dig this in two areas: the horizontal surface will be leveled with the big pick and then cleaned with the small pick to uncover the AK wall, and the section will be divided into two portions within the negative wall: one that will be removed and one that will remain, so that the interface between the two areas will be visually apparent. k 3 pr We will dig on either side of the wall to reach the floor accululations. Now we are merely in abandonment layers. nr If the tannur is linked stratigraphically with the wall and floors, (something which may never be clear because of the wadi cut) then the area to the N of the wall must be the exterior of the building. This would mean that work could procede more quickly, since floor deposits will yield little.