.bk A12 .fl j717ab.j .fd objects description qitem and item .ei ab .ed J717 .rd J628 .ri ab q 58.1 df cl P1 discarded q 58.1 df rings ds one complete ring, thicker towards the ends (see parallel piece A12.15) and four fragments of one or two rings, also thicker towards the ends. w1 3 wm bz q 58.2 df ma ds three fragments of a pin wm bz q 58.3 df bd ds round bead, dark blue, hole in the centre. One side is slightly convex, the other one is concave and has some burnt material inside w1 1.7 wm li q 58.4 df bd ds 12 red, round, beads (carneol?), 6 blue beads, 1 cylindrical, dark brown and two cylindrical white, 15 white round beads q 58.5 df bd ds disk shaped bead, made with a white shell .rd j630 q 73.1 df ma ds fragment of a bz object which becomes smaller towards the end. This extremity is also slightly curved (blade, toilet artifact?) ht 4.6 lg 2.4 w1 0.1 wm bz .rd j710 q 92.1 df phytolith impression ds white impressions on earth-blocks; probably they are the rest of weft of an organic mat q 69.1 df cv ds necked jar almost complete, only few pieces missing. On the upper part of the body some concentric, incised lines and also three small incised circles only on one side. Large incrustation inside (above all) and outside q 69.2 df cv ds jar almost complete, only few pieces missing. On the upper part of the body two double handles. Lower part of the body is polished ht 13.6 w1 12 w2 6 wm FC sh oj-s, bfv co pale yellow c# 2.5y7/3 q 73.1 df ma ds fragment of a bronze object which becomes smaller towards the end. This extremity is also slightly curved (blade, toilet artifact?) ht 4.6 lg 2.4 w1 0.1 wm bz q 92.1 df sp ds white plant impressions on earth-blocks; probably they are the rest of weft of an organic mat q 127.1 df cv ds rim and body of an incised jar (wavy lines), with double rim; base is missing ht 8.8 w1 10 wm INC, I23 sh oj-c q 148.1 df cv ds broken jar, almost complete; hole in the middle of the base w1 22 w3 11 wm INC, I13 sh hmj-c; bfx P99 to be conserved in 2000 q 148.2 df cv ds broken jar almost complete; hole in the centre of the base w1 15 w3 16 wm INC, I14 repeated three times on the upper part of the body sh nj-dr; bfx P99 to be conserved in 2000 q 148.3 df cv ds encrusted jar, almost complete, only a small fragment of the rim is missing ht 19 w1 11 w2 6 wm CH sh nj-dr q 148.4 df ca ds fragment of possible andiron. On one side there is a rounded bump, which upper surface is smooth. It was found, with two other fragments (more square shaped), fallen on one jar and on the skull of i33 ht 12 lg 16.5 w1 5 wm cl q 157.3 df cv ds half part of a cylindrical shaped stand ht 25 w1 14 wm INC, I68 q 169.1 df cv ds possible stand or base for a statue. Conical shaped; large at the bottom with two incised, parallel, stripes and narrowing towards the top; empty in the middle; broken ht 8.7 w3 13 wm CH q 200.1 df ca ds one box with complete sling shot bullets, with a biconical shape; very uniform and regular in shape and dimensions lg 4.5 w1 3.5 wm unbaked clay q 200.2 df ca ds one box with broken sling shot bullets, with a biconical shape wm unbaked clay q 214.1 df cv ds cooking pot broken in many fragments, almost complete; htab within the rim w1 22 wm P sh oj-s P99 to be conserved in 2000 q 247.1 df cv ds small pot, broken, but almost complete ht 7.7 w1 4 wm G sh op-n; bround q 247.2 df bo ds small carinetd bowl, complete ht 3.1 w1 8 w3 3 wm FC sh cb-s; bf co pale yellow c# 5y8/2 .rd j715 i 13 df fg ds ostrich head with incised decorations, burnished surface; body missing ht 5.5 lg 5.4 w1 3 wm cl i 14 df cv ds necked jar with painted decoration from the upper, flat part of the rim to the upper part of the body. Neck and rim are decorated with stripes and are followed by a row of triangles filled by oblique, thin stripes. The decoration, in its lower part, is finished by three stripes. Complete profile but many pieces missing. ht 17.6 w1 11 w3 7 wm H sh nj; blf co red c# 2.5yr4/6 i 15 df ma ds two earrings; both complete, but one broken in two pieces. Rings thicker towards the ends w1 2.8 w2 3.1 wm bz i 16 df ma ds upper part of a pin with flat head; lower part missing lg 7.9 wm bz i 17 df bd ds small round ring/bead, flat w1 0.8 w2 0.3 wm li i 20 df dagger ds the blade has a triangular shape and is divided along the centre by a raised stripe, slightly encrusted. The part, which divides the handle from the blade has a cylindrical shape and has no particular decoration, smooth. Also preserved is the bronze part of the dagger, which ends with a square section "nail" that was thread into the missing handle (by other material). ht 19.4 lg 2.6 w1 1 wm bz nm measurements before conservation Q99 parallel in MZ10 a2 A10.33, A10.42 i 21 df ma ds large fragment of a square plate with an inner raised square which is divides in two parts by a depression. Other fragments preserved, maybe a second plate of the same kind; embossed work lg 4.1 w1 1.3 wm bz nm measurements before conservation i 22 df ma ds 5 large fragments and several small ones of a possible arm or ankle ring/bracelet, made with a thin, bent lamina w1 0.8 wm bz i 23 df ma ds some small fragments of a metal plate (Bz, Ag?); two or three small rings (Bz?) with circular section (diametre 1.3 cm), corroded together and one small, cylindrical, carneol bead i 24 df spearhead ds almost complete. The blade has a triangular shape, is very thin and encrusted; the one end, which was thread into the handle, is short and has a triangular shape, too. ht 17 lg 3.8 w1 0.8 wm bz i 25 df fg ds head of a lion or human, made by a mould. Eyes and opened mouth are carved, nose is in relief. In the background mane or rest of clay; irregular shaped. The back part is concave and slightly smooth. ht 3.7 lg 1.7 lg 3.1 w1 1.6 wm cl i 26 df fg ds small horse with long neck; legs and head are missing. Maybe burnt or backed, lack color ht 4.2 lg 5.7 w1 1.8 wm cl nm measurements before conservation Q99 parallel in MZ10 a2 A10.36 i 27 df cv ds small cup with flat base and a low carination, more towards the base, straight rim. Surface very rough and porous. A part of the rim is missing. Profile complete ht 7 w1 7 w3 4 wm ROG sh oc co light red c# 2.5yr6/8 i 28 df cv ds small pot, almost complete, missing just small part of the rim ht 7.9 w1 5.5 w3 3.2 wm FC sh op-a, bfx co pale yellow c# 5y7/3 i 29 df cv ds broken high necked jar, broken; base missing; incised w1 15 wm INC, I13 sh nj-et i 30 df su ds female statue or figurine, broken in two pieces. The base is missing. The lower part represents the legs, made by a single cylinder, enlarging towards the top to build the side with the pelvic, incised, triangle. The buttock is shaped in high relief. Under the breast area the statue presents an old break. The upper part represents the torso; breast in relief, arms are broken just under the shoulders. On the neck there are two necklaces, made by two stripes of clay applique and decorated with vertical, incised lines. One necklace continues on the back and covers and divides the back vertically. The face is stylized: the nose is pointed and in relief as the large, round eyes and the chin; the small mouth is slightly opened. On the forehead there was maybe a diadem or the hair, which frames the face. Probably there were also earrings. The upper part of the head is shaped like a vessel and is empty. The whole statue is empty inside. ht 15.8 w1 5.4 ht 13.5 i 31 df fg ds animal figurine, 3 legs broken; the front left is complete and the tail is almost complete; head is missing ht 39 lg 5.3 w1 1.4 wm cl i 32 df cv ds large jar decorated with two "rope stripes" applique w1 37 wm INC, I42 (on upper part of body) sh hmj-c co pale yellow c# 5y8/3 i 36 df fg ds horse with long neck and complete head; legs broken ht 4.9 lg 5 w1 1.5 wm cl i 38 df fg ds almost complete animal figurine; only tail and legs missing. The front of the muzzle is broken. The neck is long ht 2 lg 3.5 w1 1.1 wm backed clay