.bk A12 .fl j718ab.j .fd journal .ed j718 .ei jo .rd j702 .ri ab f 111 ds flat laid bricks (40 x 20) in the same level as the floor f106; there is a small break in one of the bricks, which shows that the bricks are covering a hallow space underneath. f 112 ds the same accumulation as f103; new feature number is assigned for the layer of f103 on top of f110 only to keep separately the sherds from this portion of f103. f 113 ds a bail of small stones and sherds NW of f111; it might be a sort of pavement; the rest of it will be uncovered by the removal of k5 E baulk and k8 N baulk. f 114 ds a lined floor covers only the N portion of k9 and might be associated with f97 and f101 in k8. f 115 ds dark gray accumulation covers the entire locus (k10) f 116 ds same as f110, only 12 cm lower. .rd j703 k 8 sg we will remove the E baulk of k5 and N baulk of k8, which will allow us to follow the full the W and N extent of the bricks f111, the floor f106 and f113 before digging any of them. k 9 sg we will start removing the floor f114 and continue digging vertically. f 111 dy no signs of any cut related to f111 from the E face of k5 E baulk. k 5 dy we will remove k5 E baulk from its side in k8 and we will use the same k5 feature numbers for all what will be removed in the E baulk. f 117 ds reddish, medium compacted accumulation below floor f114. f 118 ds is equal to f40 in the remaining portion of a11 in k10 (45 cm deep). a 11 sg since we dug the whole N portion of the filling of a12 (in k5) as f40, we are going to dig the S portion (in k10) by dividing the filling accumulation into number of features, separating them by elevation, since there is no distinct difference in the type of accumulation. f 119 ds 6 scattered stones seem to be out of place, we give the feature number just in case there would be any association with f109 or any other features when we dig farther down. .rd j704 k 10 sg we continue to dig f118 (a11) and f115 in the rest of the locus. k 8 sg we will finish the removal of k5 E baulk and we will start removing k8 N baulk. k 6 sg we will continue with f103 to the end of the locus at 30 cm depth. k 9 sg we will remove f119 and dig the locus farther deep. f 119 dy the stones of f119 turned to be washed in by the wadi and not associated neither together nor with any other features. f 121 ds a thin layer of highly compacted accumulation below f115 might be covering f45. f 122 ds ashy accumulation N k9 surrounding f127. f 123 ds same as f40, 45 cm below f118 (40 cm deep). f 124 ds same as f40, 40 cm below f123 (40 cm deep). f 120 ds a lined, not well leveled, sloping E floor covers almost the entire locus and might be associated with a12 and f106 in k8. f 126 ds cut of pit a11. f 40 dy since we are digging the rest of the feature, we see that it is also contained in the S side by bricks; this shows that the accumulation is a filling of the pit a11. a 11 dy as we dug the rest of accumulation f40 we found that it is also contained by a circular line of bricks at the S part, as it was the case in the W and N parts. That confirms that it is the filling of the pit, therefore we assigned a feature number for the cut and several feature's numbers equal to f40. f 129 ds a circle of 60 cm diametre, plastered and burnt in the centre, seems to have been used for cooking purposes. f 125 ds a plastered floor S a11 f 129 ds reddish accumulation, medium compacted, below floor f120. f 128 ds 4th feature in sequence, equal to f40, 40 cm below f124. .rd j705 k 6 sg after the complete removal of f103 we will start digging new feature f131, that is the equivalent of f73 (A10 f227), and we will start digging f131 from the area facing a14, where we will dig 200 cm N to S x 200 cm E to W. From there we will dig 50 cm along side the wall f12 in order to find out if there are any similar features to f107, at a lower level. k 9 sg we will continue to dig f129 below the floor f120 and a12. k 10 sg in a11 we will start digging f128, the 4th feature equals f40 (A10 f194). In the rest of the locus we will start excavating f130 which may be the brick fall of a brick wall, that might be found below. k 6 sg we will continue to remove the N baulk. f 113 dy after the complete removal of the N baulk in k8 and the E baulk in k5, f113 was found to be continuing beneath the N baulk and further N, and no traces of it were found beneath the E baulk of k5. f 130 ds thin, reddish, hard compacted accumulation below f121 covers the area W of f125 and of a11. f 135 ds red bricky material seems to be collapsed bricks of the upper course of a wall. f 134 ds brown, very loose accumulation, concentrated only in the SW corner of k9. f 135 ds dark gray, not compacted, accumulation in the middle of the N portion of the locus. f 136 ds red/pinkish, very hard compacted layer covers the entire locus, except for the SW corner (f134) and the intrusion of a14. f 137 ds the cut of a14 through f136. f 111 tc cu f113 f 147 tc cu f136 f 121 tc co f130 f 130 tc co f133 f 132 tc co f136 f 129 tc co f132 f 129 tc co f134 f 129 tc co f135 a 20 ds is the A12 number of A10 a32 f 140 ds light gray accumulation, medium compact, W of f133. f 142 ds brick wall, continuation of f45 f 133 tc co f142 f 118 tc co f123 f 123 tc co f124 f 124 tc co f128 f 128 tc co f141 f 40 tc co f141 f 133 tc co f142 f 126 tc ca f45 f 126 tc cu f142 f 126 tc cu f41 f 41 tc bo f45 f 45 tc bo f142 f 45 tc bo f41 f 142 tc bo f45 f 127 tc re f120 f 125 tc co f130 f 122 tc co f120 f 120 tc co f129 f 120 tc co f130 f 120 tc co f134 f 120 tc co f135 f 119 tc re f120 f 117 tc co f119 f 117 tc co f120 f 117 tc co f127 f 90 tc co f117 f 114 tc co f117 f 110 tc co f112 f 112 tc co f116 f 109 tc re f108 f 106 tc co f111 f 106 tc co f138 f 105 tc co f106 f 104 tc co f105 f 103 tc co f131 f 103 tc co f101 f 103 tc co f96 f 138 ds brown, loose accumulation below the floor f106. f 139 ds loose light brown accumulation below f111 and f113. f 141 ds filling of the pit a11, below f128 and f40; similar to f118, f40, f123, f124 and f128. k 8 sg we will dig into a small part of f111 to see if its function is to be a cover of any type, specially because the hole in its NW side suggests a hallow space beneath it. k 6 sg we will dig f131 along side the wall f12, starting just to the W of f107 and continuing farther W. k 6 dy a line of stones (f144, f145) has been found adjunct to f12: it might be similar to f107, meaning that they are in line with the pavement same as f96. f 136 dy the bricks of f136 turned to be chunks of bricks contained within a reddish, hard compacted accumulation. .rd j707 k 10 sg we will dig feature f140 W of f142 to the level of f68 (A10 f222) and will clear up the top surface of f142 by removal of f 133. k 6 sg we will dig f131 in two direction: first to the W to see if there is a similar feature of f145, f107, f146; second to see if f146 continues to S. k 9 sg we will finish up to remove the items and qitems of a 14 and finish excavating f134, then we will dig f136 in the area surrounding a13. k 8 sg we dig f138 W of f143, f144 and remove f113. f 113 dy many qlots because it is a sherd pavement. f 142 dy continues more S of k10. f 146 dy continues S of K6. f 143 ds pavement of square bricks, 40 x 40, S and E of the f111. f 144 ds a pavement made by a circle of stones is next to f143; it could be a part of the sequence of pavements f113, 111, 143. f 138 tc ca f143 f 145 ds line of stones adjunct to the wall f12, S of f107 and it could have a similar function. f 146 ds stone frame of the sherd pavement. N and S line of worked stones, E of f145. f 147 ds the cut of a13. .rd j708 f 141 dy by the removal of f141 it turned to be the last deposit of the filling accumulation of a11. a 11 dy f141 is the best accumulation removal from inside the pit a11, below the accumulation the floor of the part is found by the remaining bricks of the wall and the stone foundation f151. f 148 ds hard, re, well compacted floor below f144, f143 and extended probably below f111. k 6 sg we will dig what remains of f113, on the top of f146, Eastwards to the limit of f96. k 10 sg we will dig f141 farther down and will dig f154 in the SE corner of k10. k 9 sg f136 will be dug apart 10 cm deep to the level of f149. k 8 sg we will remove part of f143 to follow the floor f148 and to see if there is any continuation of f148 beneath f111. f 149 ds reddish, bricky accumulation below f134 in the SW corner of k9. f 150 ds a soft, loose accumulation intrudes f149. f 151 ds part of the stone foundation of f41 and f142 exposed at the bottom of the pit a11. f 152 ds bricks at the bottom of a11 could be the lower coarse of the brick of f41, f142, f45. f 153 ds similar to f107, f145, S of f145. f 154 ds light gray, loose accumulation at the SE corner of k10 equals f 134 in the SW of k9. f 155 ds accumulation below f143 and at the top of f148. f 156 ds oval shaped sherd assemblage 62-70 cm in diametre, unknown purpose. f 157 ds stone wall. f 158 ds phytolith. .rd j710 k 6 sg we will dig f159 from the level of the top face of the f146, starting just at the W of the f146 on. We will also remove the reminder of f131 on top of f146 to the E up to f96. k 6 dy an other layer of phytolith, f167, appeared, 10 cm on top of f146. k 8 sg we will dig f160 and f161, then we will start removing the floor f148. k 9 sg we will finish removing f136 to uncover completely f157 then we will start excavating f149 along side the N and W edge of f149. k 9 dy a number of isolated stones keep appearing in k9 at different elevations, such as f109, f164 and f119 in k10; some other stones were not given a feature number because it was clear at the time of uncovering that they were not a part of any structure. k 8 dy a15 and the floor f148 are the continuation of (contemporary) f183 and the set of tannur a 28-30, f113, f111, 143, f145 are contemporary with f182 and a27. .rd j711 k 9 sg we will remove the N baulk. k 10 sg we will remove the E baulk k 6 sg we will continue digging f159 farther down in the 200 cm limit W of f146. .rd j712 k 6 sg we will continue digging f159 farther 200 cm W to the depth of the first portion of the feature 50 cm and we will restart digging f79, filling of a7, that cuts into the Southern edge of f96 to look at f96 from the side to see if it is built on top of an earlier structural element. k 13 ds after the removal of the N baulk of k9 and the E baulk of k10, all of k8, k9 and k10 are joined together in one locus, k13. k 12 ds N half of k8, starting at f111. We stopped excavating in this portion of A12 on j712 because of the time limit we have for this season. k 8 sg because of the time limitation we will continue digging only to the south of f111. f 157 ds stone wall SE of k9; the direction of the wall is not clear at this moment, one of the stones seems not to be resting in its original position, that will also not be totally clear until the wall is fully uncovered. f 158 ds phytolith similar to f110, f116, in the same, exact area at a lower elevation. f 159 ds similar in color, components and compaction to f131; a new feature is given because this portion of the accumulation starts at the level of f146 but only W of it. f 170 ds large amount of ash surrounding f156, specially W of it. No clear boundaries define this feature. f 161 ds gray, medium compact accumulation E of the f113. f 162 ds a light gray, high compacted accumulation covers a small area bounded by f111 to the W and f161 to the N. f 163 ds 2 large stones S of f12, out of place, facing a14 might be moved from the foundation f81 of f12. f 164 ds a single stone N of f109 might connect with other stones below, that connect it with f157.