.bk A12 .fl K703lr.j .fd journal entry .ei lr .ed K703 .rd K703 .ri lr k 23 dy Today we continued to take down the baulk in k23 or former k21. okk photographed the baulk yesterday in order to document that the gullywash extends all the way down to the stones. The soil of the gullywash is typical, lots of vertical sherds with no visible surface found in section. The material is very soft and contains very little organic material. It is interesting to note that in the south eastern side, next to the southern baulk, a small area containing an ashy layer is visible. There is also red bricky material in large chunks spread out throughout the area. It is possible that this material became trapped in between the stones and formed pockets of brick but since it was found throughout the area we are assuming it is somekind of brick fall similar to the one found in k18 and k19 (f215, f217). We stopped digging at this layer since it was apparent that we were no longer in gullywash. k 27 dy We continued digging inside the structure beginning in the west towards the east. The material is a mixture of ash and a brown ac which flakes off easily. The workers completed two small pick runs, the first run about 6 cms down, and the next one about 10 cms down. The feature remained the same since there was no significant change in the soil content. Lots of sherds and bones were collected. A large fissure was found at the same line as the vault f303. A smooth surface is visible, this was photographed by okk v98. This line is rather puzzling for it suggests that something was leaning against this surface, so k27 leaned on k26, creating a smooth vertical surface. -dy I continued to measure the stones of a31 since i was not able to draw the stones that form the antichamber last season. Using the g-plot A12p0003, i measured each stone from the point and found that the plot was off by about 3cm. I remeasured the stairs since they did not plot yesterday using new relay numbers and location. I decided it would be easier to place the points at the center of each edge. I was not able to finish the drawing since a few points were needed to complete it which will be available tomorrow. .rd K628 .ri lr -dy Okk, jl, ed, and myself are at the site. Elena and I finished drawing the baulk inside a31. The baulk is the south side of the aggregate facing north. We had some difficulties drawing the section on the account that the red and ashy layers in both k27 and k26 appear to be mixed. The vaulted section was also unclear and the section was drawn based on how we saw it. I triangulated the doorway in order to show the width, r415 and r416. k 26 dy Inside the rectangular area we excavated approximatly 10cms down noting the ashy layer of f307 which was on top of the area. Underneath the ashy layer is a reddish ^a different from the ash. This ^a was given a new feature number f308.