.bk A12 .fl K707jl.j .fd object descriptions .ei jl .ed K707 .rd K629 .ri lr q 574.1 df la lg 2.2 w1 2 th 3.7 ds worked lithic, possible blade. One end is thinner than the other side. P2 ZS13.3 i 71 df cl wm cl lg 5 w1 2.5 th 2 ds clay lump with two sides flat and curved. According to mkb, roofing piece with impressions. P2 ZS13.4 q 577.1 df cl wm cl qc 4 ds four clay lumps, one with a possible impression. In end, were discarded. P1 K629lr i 70 df cl wm cl lg 3.2 w1 2.5 ds clay lump with possible reed or plant impression based on two lines of one face of the lump. P2 ZS13.4 q 580.1 df sg wm cl lg 4 w1 2 ds piece of green slag, bubbles visible P2 ZS13.9 q 581.1 df la wm li lg 3.3 w1 2.5 th 1.5 ds smooth lithic artifact, worked at edges, possible axe. co black P2 ZS13.3 q 579.2 df cs ds charcoal sample P2 ZS13.8 i 72 df sl lg 2.5 w1 2.5 wm cl ds sealing with fingerprint impression on one side P2 ZS13.7 q 577.3 df ca lg 4.5 w1 4.5 th 5 ds clay object flat on one side with four perforations and a sharp square cut. Broken with a groove at edge, edge rounded P2 ZS13.6 q 580.2 df bl wm li lg 1 w1 1 th 0.3 ds small ^bl. Worked, sharp edges with flat, thin sides, flat on one side P2 ZS13.3 q 579.2 df sp wm shell lg 1.2 w1 0.4 ds small shell P2 ZS13.1 q 579.1 df cl ds 3 clay lumps P2 K629lr .rd K702 q 589.1 df la lg 2.3 w1 1.3 ds ^la, smooth on one side, broken in sharp edges P2 ZS13.3 q 588.1 df ba lg 8.5 w1 2.5 th 1.5 ds long piece of bone with one end thicker and decreasing into a sharp point at the other end. Tip broken q 585.4 df bd wm sh lg 1.4 w1 1 th 0.4 ds perforated shell cut in half exposing inner layer co white P2 ZS13.1 q 584.51 df cs ds large piece of charcoal P2 ZS13.8 q 584.52 df sp ds two small seeds P2 ZS13.1 q 584.1 df sl qc 2 ds two small ^sl with line markings, possible impressions of something P2 ZS13.9 i 74 df bd qc 2 lg 1.5 w1 1 th 0.5 ds two small perforated shell beads cut at one surface exposing natural inside part of shell P2 13.1 q 584.2 df cl lg 5.5 w1 5 th 2.5 ds circular ^cl with one flat surface P2 ZS13.4 i 73 df bd lg 1.1 w1 0.6 th 0.6 wm li ds rectangular ^bd, possibly stone, perforated lengthwise with smooth flat surfaces co white P2 ZS13.10 q 584.4 df la lg 2 w1 1.1 ds piece of obsidian, appears to be cut, irregular cut marks P2 ZS13.3 q 584.3 df sl wm cl lg 3.5 w1 2.5 th 1 ds ^sl, irregular shape, possible peg impression P2 ZS13.7 q 585.51 df sm ds soil sample of f316 ashy layers P2 ZS13.9 q 585.53 df sm ds sample of possible bitumen: black material on top of soil with sherd-like pattern co black P2 ZS13.9 q 585.52 df sp ds one small seed P2 ZS13.1 q 586.51 df sm ds pieces of white mineral in soil co white P2 ZS13.1 q 585.2 df ca qc 2 ds small round clay artifact with a hole in the center of piece, two flat surfaces and rounded edges one half of clay ^bd, perforated disks P2 ZS13.6 q 585.3 df in lg 0.5 w1 0.5 th 0.2 ds square ^bd or possible inlay with all sides perforated, two larger flat faces with a circular design on one face, possible "frit" P2 ZS13.10 i 75 df ma lg 8.4 ds metal pin P99 to sb i 76 df fg wm cl lg 5 ht 3.5 ds body of figurine, broken legs and head P99 to rah q 585.1 df la wm li lg 3 w1 1.1 th 0.6 ds obsidian artifact, worked at edges, flat on one side, thinning edges P2 ZS13.3 q 586.1 df fg wm cl lg 5 ht 4.3 ds head and body of figurine with legs broken off P99 to rah .rd K703 q 591.2 df la wm ob lg 2.8 w1 1.7 th 0.3 ds obsidian artifact, possibly a blade. One surface is flat, the other surface has two edges worked and decreasing in thickness at edges P2 ZS13.3 q 590.3 df ca w1 4.2 th 1.6 ds perforated disk, type IV P2 ZS13.6 q 590.4 df bd w1 0.5 th 0.3 ds flat orange ^bd, perforated at center co orange P2 ZS13.10 q 592.1 df sg wm cl ds slag samples, greenish with irregular surface. Large white inclusions co green P2 13.9 q 592.4 df la wm ob lg 2.6 w1 2 th 0.9 ds worked piece of obsidian, appears to be chipped in an irregular pattern P2 ZS13.3 q 592.2 df ro ds sample of old root P2 ZS13.8 q 590.51 df cs ds possible piece of carbon P2 ZS13.8 q 592.3 df sl wm cl lg 3.7 w1 2.6 th 1.8 ds clay piece with impression marks of string or peg P2 ZS13.7 q 590.2 df la qc 4 ds one flint arrowhead with point at top and worked edges, one larger piece of flint with a rounded impression on the surface, one piece of quartz with a sharp tip P2 ZS13.3 .rd K706 q 604.2 df ca ds piece of pottery confused as a clay lump P2 K706lr q 604.1 df la lg 6.7 w1 5.4 th 3.5 ds black lithic with one smooth surface, appears to be in the shape of an axe P2 ZS13.3 .rd K628 .ri jl i 69 df cl ds clay lump, possibly sealed; in final analysis, was not sealed, was discarded as a clay lump P1 K628jl q 572.1 df sg ds kiln/tannur waste P2 ZS13.9 q 572.2 df cl ds 2 clay lumps, not sealed P1 K628jl i 68 df ca ds clay lump broken in two pieces, worked, with three markings (holes?) on one side, smoothed face and curved impression on other; possible door sealing wm cl lg 6.6 w1 4.6 th 2.6 P2 ZS13.7 q 571.1 df cl ds worked piece of clay, broken on most sides, rounded and smoothed on one side, with four deep, curved grooves on that side; mkb suggested that it might be sealed, ed concurred P99 sent to mkb for further analysis lg 4.4 w1 3.4 th 2.4 q 603.1 df la qc 2 ds one small obsidian blade (measurements given), one piece of flint lg 1.5 w1 1.2 P2 ZS13.3 q 605.51 df sm ds soil sample of vegetable remains co white P2 ZS13.9 q 607.1 df la lg 4.1 w1 2.2 th 1.3 ds lithic with a strange depression in the shape of an ear P2 ZS13.3 q 607.2 df sl wm cl lg 4 w1 3.6 th 3.2 ds peg impression, 2 smooth, flat surfaces q 605.2 df cl ds small ^cl q 601.1 df ca lg 2.6 w1 1.8 th 1.3 ds clay piece with a circular depression at end, probably a broken piece of a perforated disk P2 ZS13.6 q 598.1 df la w1 6.5 lg 7.1 th 6.2 ds square piece of lithic with one flat surface and a circular depression at edge P2 ZS13.3