.bk A12 .fl K804sb.j .fd notes from conservation .ed K804 .ei sb .rd K804 .ri sb q 598.3 df pi wm mt,br pv 1 piece, frg of larger pin N1 very corroded piece of a longer pin, there is no core left, not worth treatment? N3 cleaned by BA, it turned out that although corroded, there is still sturdy metal in the core lg 3.90 w2 0.35 i 80 df ma wm mt,br pv whole needle N1 very thin, very encrusted, may be in good condition N3 Cleaned by BA, it turned out to be in good condition lg 6.00 w2 0.25 q 611.2 df je wm mt,Ag pv whole ring N1 silver very small and thin ring N3 cleaned by BA w2 0.85@outside w2 0.65@inside nd This item was originally numbered q411-02, due to a mistake in the numbering. It will probably be found filed under that number. i 84 df pi wm mt pv whole N1 large pin completely covered by soil, may be in good condition N3 cleaned by BA N99 turned out to be in very good condition and showed a very elaborate shape not visible before the cleaning. The bronze is well preserved, the head is the simple type, there is the typical hole i 91 df je wm mt,Ag pv almost complete N1 very thin silver ring N3 cleaned by BA th 0.20 i 90 df je wm mt,Ag pv more than half shape N1 ring, very thin, same as A12.91 N3 cleaned by BA i 92 df je ds ring wm mt,Ag pv 2/3 of ring N1 good, almost no corrosion N3 cleaned by BA i 93 df je-ring wm mt,Ag pv 2/3 of ring N1 good, almost no corrosion N3 cleaned by BA i 120 df pi wm mt,br pv whole pin N1 shows a lot of corrosion N3 cleaned by BA N99 although it seemed very badly corroded before the cleaning, it turned out to be in very good condition with the bronze showing its original color. Decorated head w/t incised spiral lg 7.20 w2 @0.50 i 99 df je ds ring wm mt,Ag pv 2/3 of ring N1 good N3 cleaned by BA nt same size and color as i 90, i 91, i 92, i 93 i 112 df pi wm mt,br pv long frg N1 It may be a needle since it's very thin; it's bent in the middle N3 cleaned by BA N99 the corrosion was compltely removed in half of the piece, revealing perfect state of the bronze lg 3.90 q 728.1 df pi wm mt,br pv almost complete,missing the head N1 very corroded thin pin, almost broken along a sharp bend at 2/3 of the lenghth N3 not cleaned by BA because too fragile, but reattached the 2 pieces and straightened where it was bent i 118 df pi wm mt,br pv complete? N1 thick stout pin with normal amount of corrosion N3 cleaned by BA N99 turned out to be in good condition, very simple shape with the head just slightly larger than the diameter. It may have been a longer pin since the tip is not pointed: there could be a part missing lg 5.40 w2 0.30 q 615.1 df si wm cl N3 cleaned i 82 df si wm cl N3 cleaned and consolidated i 89 df ta wm cl pv 2/3 of a clay envelope with part of a tablet still in place N1 incrusted with soil, it seemed at the beginning an unepigraphic tablet N3 while cleaning the object it turned out to be a tablet within its clay envelope. There are sign visible in negative (in relief) in the internal side of the envelope; only the bottom part of the tablet is preserved. GB said that after photography the envelope should be broken to read the extant part of tablet N99 after the piece was photographed the small fragment of tablet fell down by itself; it is really just a corner and does not show signs i 51 df si wm cl N3 cleaned q 309.1 df si wm cl N1 the seal impression also bears a detailed impression of the string in the back N3 cleaned and made mold of the back i 95 df cv sh bo pv almost complete carinated bowl found flat on the ground; it is missing 2/3 of the rim N1 broken in 3 parts N3 cleaned and glued i 107 df si wm cl N3 cleaned i 102 df si wm cl N3 cleaned q 710.1 df si wm cl ds door sealing N3 cleaned q 625.2 df si wm cl N3 cleaned i 110 df si wm cl N3 cleaned i 127 df si wm cl N1 very heavily encrusted N3 cleaned N99 there is no impression i 125 df je ds ring sh complete ring wm mother of pearl pv there was a split portion of the mother of pearl that detached horizontally, fresh break N1 the mother of pearl is in very good condition, still very shiny N3 glued the detached part i 108 df cv sh small vessel shaped as a woman co dark grey pv almost complete; two of the three small feet at the base are partially broken; the small vase on top of the head was broken while digging, it is broken in 2 halves N1 the piece was completely covered by a thick hard layer of soil N3 removed the soil by scalpel and brushes, reattached the small vase; one small fragment is missing .ri yt L99 technical examination - This small jar with a woman's figure was made by wheel-forming and hand-forming. The small pot on her head is located in the perfect center of jar. The hair, arms, face, breasts and legs were added on the ceramic body by hand. Three legs and top part of the small pot are partly missing. Her braied hair part, face details, necklace, bangles on both arms and triangle-shaped genitalia are incised with a sharp tool. The nipples, the genitalia and the necklace were decorated as round pressed pattern with cylindrical tools. The surface was carefully burnished. nt textual analysis - a. texture: clay body is soft(ash like). Since the clay had high viscosity, the surface is uneven. Several finger prints are observed. Light gray colour. It does not have enough oxidation firing. Chaff tempers remain as carbon in clay matrix. Particle size is uniform. b. inclusions: fibre remains(carbon) ++ (fairly), calareous ++ (fairly), pebbles - (few)