.bk A12 .fl L715ed.j .fd view descriptions and vlog .ed L715 .ei ed .rd L715 .ri ed v 155a ph Mud between stones covered by concretions: it means that this is the original mortar placed between the stones at the moment of the building. v 155c ph Concretions covered by the mud: it means that, in this case, the mud is recent and comes after the concretions. v 155e ph "Sedimento chimico", having accumulated in ancient times through the flowing of pure water. v 155f ph "Sedimento di trasporto" having resulted from the modern deposition of water and mud. v 155g ph Stalactite of reddish colour. This colouring could be given by the iron oxides present in the ground. v 157 ph Natural hole in a stone of the N wall. v 156 ph Chiseled ("martellinato") hole in a stone on the south side of the stairway. v 155h ph Granular concretions which probably rested on an horizontal plane. v 155i ph Shows pieces of plastic mixed with mud, imported by the water flowing over the stones during the previous winter. .rd L704 .ri jl v 154 S vk26 va32 vf304,305,306,307,308,320,328,330,336,338,344,345,348 south section of apsidal structure 154a m S vk26,27 va32 vf303,304,305,306,307,308,320,328,329,330,331,336,338,343,344,345,347,348,351,367,370 south section of apsidal structure, east of v154 154b m S vk26,27 va32 vf258,259,303,304,305,306,307,308,316,320,324,328,329,330,331,336,338,343,344,345,347,348,351,367,367,370 south section of apsidal structure, east of v154a 154c m S vk27 va32 vf258,259,316,324,329,331,343,347,351 south section of apsidal structure, east of v154b .rd l709 .ri ed 155 E vk27 va32 vf258,259,316,324,329,331,343,347,351 eastern stone wall of apsidal structure 155a c E vk27 va32 Concretions on mud 155b c E vk27 va32 Stalactite 155c c E vk27 va32 Mud on concretions 155d c E vk27 va32 Small stalactite with mud all around .rd L711 .ri ed 155e c E vk27 va32 "Sedimento chimico" 155f c E vk27 va32 "Sedimento di trasporto" 155g c E vk27 va32 Stalactite, same as 155b but closer 155h c E vk27 va32 Granular concretions 155i c E vk27 va32 Pieces of plastic 156 SW vk26 va32 Chiseled hole in a stone 157 N vk26 va32 Natural hole in a stone 158 S south section, west half: for showing Castelletti's labels 158a S south section, west half: for showing Castelletti's labels