.bk A12 .fl L727rd.j .fd journal .ed L727 .ei rd .ri jl .rd L725 q 851.1 df sl ds two large chunks of clay, brown on the outside with black centers, one clearly bearing a peg impression; perhaps part of a sealing or a piece of roofing material lg 3.8 w1 3.3 th 2.3 wm cl co brown c# 7.5YR4/3 P2 ZSB 9-3 q 851.3 df ca ds broken pieces of a tannur co brown wm cl P2 ZSB 101-2 q 851.4 df kw ds piece of kiln waste lg 10.0 w1 7.0 th 4.3 co green wm sg P99 missing q 845.1 df kw ds piece of kiln waste lg 9.5 w1 5.0 th 4.0 co green wm sg P2 ZSB 10-6 q 845.2 df bk ds chunk of baked brick lg 9.4 w1 6.3 th 4.5 co yellow wm cl P2 ZSB 101-2