.bk A12 .fl L825jl.j .fd log entries .ed L825 .ei jl .ri jl .rd L705 f 367 27 fi .rd L714 368 27 a m2705 0 596 .rd L718 369 27 a m2705 45 710 .rd L721 370 26 a m2709 251 586 .rd L723 371 27 a m2702 49 564 372 27 a m2703 86 759 373 27 a m2709 41 645 374 27 s .rd L825 375 27 s f 367 ds fill of the fissure where Stef excavated/cleaned, in between the circle and the square. It extended virtually the entire length of the fissure, from top to bottom. =l f339 f 368 ds This ^a is equal to f351, at least in its location. It is the accumulation in k27 which was mixed by the winter rains and had become unstratified It was very dirty, like all of the accumulation around it, except that it also contained small bits of plastic that had sunk into it. f 369 ds This ^a, underneath f368, seems to finally be stratified again. There is no more trace of plastic or other foreign material. It is dirty, in that it contains a lot of pottery, pieces of charcoal, kiln waste, broken bricks, large bones, and stones. It looks suspiciously like refuse, although there is not as much ash as one would expect. f 371 ds This very red layer under f369 was not excavated enough to really get a feel for its contents. However, it actually seems to be a series of thin red layers, with thin brown layers in between them. It is apparently closely related to, if not the same as, f372, although it is not level. Could it be the product of water pouring down a slope? f 372 ds This feature, in the west of k27, is a series of red and brown alternating layers, almost certainly laminations caused by water. However, the reason for the alternating colors is unclear. It contained some pottery and bones, but was not excavated enough to really give a feel for its nature. f 373 ds This ^a, the same as f368, is apparently unstratified material underneath f351 in the west half of the circle, k27. This material was mixed thoroughly by the winter rains. It was created in order to differentiate this mixed material from f351, which was a well stratified layer excavated last year in the entire locus and this year in the south baulk of k27. =l f368 f 374 ds This was the remaining portion of the mud ledge, standing on the stones of the circle in the north wall which curved out slightly, the remains of the older stone wall. Since the rest of the wall had fallen, we decided to remove this small section in order to clearly see the ledge, which is an important part of our argument that the underground structure used to be a complete circle. =l f326 f 375 ds This is the ledge of stone extending from the north wall of the underground structure into k27, the remains of the previous western wall of the building, before k26, the square, was constructed. It was hidden by the mud ledge (f326, f374) until a combination of the winter rains and our excavation removed the mud and revealed it clearly.