.bk A12 .fl L826jl.j .fd view logs and view descriptions .ed L826 .ei jl .ri jl .rd L826 v 153 ph This is a series of views which look at the base of the mud ledge, f366. v153 is a general view of the southern half of the observable mud structure, a line of red material in the soil. v153a is the same view from the other side. v153b is an overall view of the area from above, showing the circular structure in context. v153c is a closeup of the southernmost portion of f366, showing the red material and a patch of ashy material. v 154 ph This is a series of photgraphs along the A12 southern baulk before excavation. v154 is the westernmost section, in k26; v154a is to its east; v154b is east of that, in k27; v154c is the easternmost section of baulk in k27. v154 is not technically a main view, since it is impossible to photograph the entire baulk in one frame. Therefore, a simple template has been drawn both on v154 and on each subview. To see composite images of the whole baulk with feature numbers and extensions marked, see t165, 165a, t166, and t166a. v 155 ph This sequence of views documents the layers of concretion on the stones on the east wall of k27, caused by running water and sedimentation over the millenia (and especially this past winter). Further view descriptions have been written for each of the individual subviews by ed or jl. v 155b ph This view is of the larger salactite and the surrounding stones and accretions. v 155d ph This is a picture of a small stalactite to the east of the larger one (see v155b). v 158 ph This view is an overall shot of the A12 south baulk in order to show the layers of soil which lc marked for analysis. The letter labels on the baulk distinguish one layer from the next. v158 is of k27, v158a is of k26. These views also form a practical main view for the v159 sequence, which is a series of closeups of this baulk. v 159 ph This sequence of photographs is a series of closeups of the south baulk of A12 k26 and k27, with lc's labels in place. The first view (v159) is of the lower half of the east corner of the baulk, and the photos proceed in order, bottom to top, east to west, through v159o. It is very difficult to draw a template for such a sequence of views, since there is essentially no main view. Therefore, although there will be a basic template on v159, the templates t158 and t158a will provide a map of the photos taken in the v159 sequence. v 160 ph v160 is a photograph of the large bones in f369 as they first appeared in the soil. v160a is a closeup of the bones themselves. v 161 ph v161 is another photograph of the bones in f369, after further excavation (see v160). v161a and v161b are the results of a mostly unsuccessful attempt to document the grainier, rougher soil around the circumference of the circular area. v161c is a view of the emerging red layer f371. v161d, v161e, v161f, and v161g are closeups of the different bones that were revealed. v 162 ph This sequence of views shows the east half of the A12a32 south baulk after half of it had been dug away. v162 is a general view of the section itself, v162a is a wide context shot, v162b is a tight view of the east half, and v162c is a tight view of the west half. v 163 ph These are a series of close-up photographs of the A12a32 south baulk, which was photographed in pieces since it was too large to photograph the entire section at one time. The photographs start on the lower half of the eastern side of the baulk, and proceed from bottom to top, east to west, from v163 to v163g. The templates of this view are t165, a composite of the photographs of the eastern half of the baulk, v163 through v163c, and t165a, a composite of the views of the western half of the baulk, v163d through v163g. The templates show the actual locations of each of the photographs in relationship with the others.