.bk A12 .fl L828jl.j .fd log entries .ed L828 .ei jl .ri jl .rd L801 q 807.4 cv pieces of same vessel found in q-lot 809.2 cv pieces of same vessel found in q-lot 826.2 fg not sure if this item exists, there is an unclear entry in the q-log, it could be the same as q827.2 Which is the proper number, if in fact both refer to the same object, is unclear. However, it is also possible that they refer to separate figurines, of which one has gone missing. 827.2 fg not sure if this item exists, there is an unclear entry in the q-log, it could be the same as q827.2 Which is the proper number, if in fact both refer to the same object, is unclear. However, it is also possible that they refer to separate figurines, of which one has gone missing.