.bk A12 .fl M719jl.j .fd w-log .ei jl .ed M719 .rd L830 .ri jmf w 27 ds This is a measured drawing of the stones in the east wall of a32. This traced drawing was originally one large pencil drawing which, because of its size, was scanned in two separate pieces. These two pieces are W39, the top half, and w40, the bottom half. The double-dashed line in the bottom half and right side of the drawing marks the floor level and the south baulk in the structure at the very beginning of the excavation season; the winter rain had filled our trench from the previous season with mud. The much thicker single-dashed line to the right of the double-dashed line marks the outline of the south baulk after we had cut it back half of a meter to reveal a new face. The solid line around the drawing marks the outline of the stones that were cut by the plane of the drawing and, in the bottom, the limits of excavation this season, specifically the trench in the north half of k27. To the right of the solid line marking the southern baulk of the trench is a thin dotted line: this line marks the south-eastern corner of the k27 trench, which was technically invisible in the drawing because the western end of the baulk (through which the plane of the drawing cut) hid it from view (the baulk was not perfectly aligned with the axis of the building). The stones and the baulk line are dotted to show that they were not visible. Although jmf originally drew the wall at the beginning of the season, before all of these changes had occured, he later returned to update the drawing and measure in the newly revealed stones. ga 32 gk 27 go E .rd L903 w 28 ds This drawing shows the south wall of a32 and the south baulk at the end of the excavation season. The baulk had been cut back half of a meter to reveal a fresh face, since the winter rains had obscured the section and had carved approximately half of a meter of soil out of its base. In addition, the eastern half of the k27 section had been removed in order to obtain soil samples for flotation by lc, revealing the stones behind it. The slope of the layers in the baulk has caused the new section to appear slightly different from section drawings from season K; also, because jmf was drawing only elements visible in the section, he did not distinguish the lower features on either side of f326 from each other, since they were arbitrary distinctions made by jl to break up a very large but reasonably homogenous accumulation. ga 32 gk 26,27 go S .rd L712 .ri ci w 29 ds This drawing shows the south baulk of k27 after we had cleared away the accumulated mud in the bottom of the locus. The square indentations in the section are the locations of the first set of soil samples which we removed and sent to lc in Italy for thin-sectioning. Because these samples did not survive the trip intact, we cut another set of samples at the end of the season, after we had cut the baulk face back half of a meter. The dotted line at the bottom of the drawing is the excavation line. Together with w30, it forms the composite drawing w32, a section of the entire southern baulk of building W. gf 258,259,303,304,305,306,316,324,326,329,331,343,347,351 gk 26,27 go S w 30 ds This drawing shows the south baulk of k26 after we had cleared away the accumulated mud in the bottom of the locus. The square indentations in the section are the locations of the first set of soil samples which we removed and sent to lc in Italy for thin-sectioning. Because these samples did not survive the trip intact, we cut another set of samples at the end of the season, after we had cut the baulk face back half of a meter. The drawing does not record features 345 and 348 because theses layer had been completely obscured by the winter rain, and even after we cleared out the accumulated mud, it was still too difficult to distinguish well enough between the different layers to draw them accurately. Together with w29, it forms the composite drawing w32, a drawing of the whole south baulk of the building W. gf 304,305,306,307,308,320,328,330,336,338,344 gk 26 go S .rd L725 w 31 ds This drawing shows only the top half of the k26 south baulk, but it includes the stones of the south wall visible in the southwest corner. ga 36 gf 304,305,306,307,308,320 gk 26 go S .rd L712 w 32 ds This drawing shows the entire south baulk of building W. It is a composite of w29 (the east half) and w30 (the west half). gf 258,259,303,304,305,306,307,308,316,320,324,326,328,329,330,331,336,338,343,344,347,351 gk 26,27 go S .rd Lxxx .ri lr w 33 ds Originally part of a larger ink drawing of the south section of the underground structure, it was split into four separate pieces to facilitate scanning. This particular number belongs to the left-most, i.e. eastern-most, panel of the full image. Composites of this sequence include w37 and w38. gf 258,259,316,324,329,331,343,347,351 gk 27 go S w 34 ds Originally part of a larger ink drawing of the south section of the underground structure, it was split into four separate pieces to facilitate scanning. This piece is the second panel in the left-to-right sequence, following w33. Composites of this sequence include w37 and w38. gf 258,259,303,304,305,306,307,308,316,320,324,326,328,329,331,336,338,343,344,345,347,348,349,351 gk 26,27 go S w 35 ds Originally part of a larger ink drawing of the south section of the underground structure, it was split into four separate pieces to facilitate scanning. This is the third panel in the left to right sequence, following w34. Composites of this sequence include w37 and w38. gf 304,305,306,307,308,320,326,328,336,338,344,345,348,349 gk 26 go S w 36 ds Originally part of a larger ink drawing of the south section of the underground structure, it was split into four separate pieces to facilitate scanning. This is the panel furthest to the right, after w35. Composites of this sequence include w37 and w38. ga 36,37 gf 308,320,328,336,338,344 gk 26,24 go S w 37 ds This section drawing is a composite of w33, w34, w35 and w36. It shows the entire southern baulk of building W. gf 258,259,303,304,305,306,307,308,316,320,324,326,328,329,331,336,338,343,344,345,347,348,349,351 ga 32,37 gk 24,26,27 go S w 38 ds This section drawing is a composite of w33, w34, w35 and w36, with the topsoil and gullywash above them reconstructed and a small overhead plan in the top right corner if the paper. gf 258,259,303,304,305,306,307,308,316,320,324,326,328,329,331,336,338,343,344,345,347,348,349,351 ga 32,37 gk 24,26,27