.bk A12 .fl M906jl.j .fd q-lot entries .ed M906 .ei jl .rd M905 .ri ms q 895 pb 343 27 r585 63S 53W 8194 36 west half of baulk, continuation of q894 896 i 367 27 r586 63S 10W 8158 removal of fissure fill from lower levels 897 pib 347 27 r593 66S 128W 8158 removal of baulk, took thin section samples 13 and 14 898 pib 304 26 r587 59S 163W 8416 29 removal of baulk, feature slopes upwards to the north at an approx. 20 degree angle, took thin section samples 15 and 16 .ri jl 899 pbi 305 26 r594 59S 163W 8387 57 removal of baulk, feature slopes upwards to the north at an approx. 20 degree angle, took thin section samples 17 and 18 .ri ms 900 pbi 306 26 r595 59S 163W 8330 18 removal of baulk, feature slopes upwards to the north at an approx. 20 degree angle, took thin section samples 19 and 20