.bk A12 .fl M907jl.j .fd log entries .ed M907 .ei jl .rd M907 .ri ms f 382 27 a 8208-145 8192-168 M908 jl 383 26 a 8264-0 8234-75 M907 jl f 382 ds This feature is the material on the top level of the step in the southern half of k27. It is the same as f368, meaning that it was also mixed by the rains during the winter between seasons 13 and 14, as evidenced by a fragment of plastic found about 15cm below the top of the feature today. However, while its pottery is not stratified, the significant amounts of bone material found in it are still very interesting following mkb's analysis of the structure as an api (a ceremonial pit for communicating with the dead through animal sacrifice). Even without stratified contexts, the bones can inform us about the ritual practices within the structure. =l f368 f 383 ds This feature is actually a series of features, f320, f328, f330, f336 and f338, taken from the northeast corner of the k26 south baulk. We created this feature in order to facilitate a thin section sample taken across multiple preexisting features. The samples consisted of two columns of dirt taken from the baulk, each measuring 15cm in depth by 15cm in width by 100cm in length. This particular feature, then, is only about 70cm wide (to account for space between the columns and some excavation to clear the sides of the chosen pieces to facilitate removal). q 901 pbi 382 27 r615 8208 145 17 removal of ledge (not the baulk) within southern half of circle .ri jl 902 pbi 307 26 r601 59S 340W m2910 44 158 17 took thin sections 21 and 22 903 pbi 383 26 r600 68W 35S 8234 75 110 took thin sections 25 and 26 .ri ms 904 pbi 382 27 r597 207W 68S 8208 145 17 905 pbi 308 26 r602 59S 340W m2910 27 158 30 took thin sections 23 and 24 906 pbi 382 27 r598 143W 59N 8208 145 17 .ri jl 907 pbi 382 27 r599 262E 47N m2911 108 157 15