.bk A12 .fl M917jl.j .fd log entries .ed M917 .ei jl .rd M917 .ri ms f 398 27 a 8217-98 8019 M917 jl 399 27 a 8083 7962 M917 jl f 351 P1 M917 jl f 398 ds This feature is the cut made in the accumulations of the south baulk of k27 in order to take thin section samples 27 and 28. These columns stretch acrosm f351 and f382. f 399 ds This feature is the cut made in the accumulations of the south baulk of k27 in order to take thin section samples 29 and 30. These columns include part of f382, f384, and part of f392. q 989 pbi 371 27 r708 180E 90N m2937 41 137 12 brick layer on north half 990 pib 372 27 r709 156S 230W m2937 41 138 3 continue to remove laminations over f397 991 pib 351 27 r710 73E 60S 8217 98 35 may have some contamination from f326 or f367 992 pib 398 27 r711 70E 60S 8217 98 100 south baulk removal, thin section samples 27 and 28 993 p 371 27 r712 50S 133E m2937 52 147 5 994 p 397 27 r713 141S 240W m2937 47 147 3 removal of white layer 995 pbi 396 27 r714 131S 83E m2937 56 147 3 removal of grainy layer 996 pbi 351 27 60S 75E 8083 18 finish removing f351 997 pb 382 27 r716 70S 200E 8156 91 10 998 pi 399 27 r715 53S 80E 8156 91 100 removal of south baulk in k27, thin section samples 29 and 30 list2 q df ht J2 w1 w2 wm sh co nd 989.1 la blade piece? 990.1 sm brick? 990.2 sm 990.3 sm 990.4 sm 991.1 sm 992.1 sm thin section sample 27 992.2 sm thin section sample 28 endlist .ri dc list2 q df ht J2 w1 w2 wm sh co nd 995.1 sh shell 996.1 la lithic fragment 966.1 la endlist .ri ms list2 q df ht J2 w1 w2 wm sh co nd 998.1 sm thin section sample 29 998.2 sm thin section sample 30 endlist v 218 S gk27 gf398,351 thin section sample 28 219 SE gf351,367,326 removal of south baulk 220 S gf399 thin section samples 29 and 30 220a w S gf399 v 195 ds This shows the first large patch of ash and carbon, f390, after we had excavated the topmost level. v195a is a closeup of the carbon. v 196 ds This view shows the floor surface in the lower, northern half of k27 as we began excavating it. The differentiation between f369, the brown material, and f371, the red material, can be seen, if barely. v196a is an overall view of the locus, looking east. v 197 ds This is another view of f390, the chunk of ash and carbon. This photo was taken later than v195, after we had uncovered more of the feature. v197a is a wide view of the whole k26 south baulk.