.bk A12 .fl N805dc2.j .fd object descriptions .ed N805 .ei dc .rd N723 .ri rd2 q 1026.4 df cs co light gray c# 10YR7/2 .ri jl ds Carbon sample P1 discarded .ri rd2 q 1023.1 df la lg 2.8 th .4 co black .ri dc ds Obsidian blade. Visible parallel lines of the tool. P2 ZSB 16.26 .ri rd2 q 1026.1 df cs co black c# 5YR2.5/1 .ri jl ds Carbon sample P1 discarded .ri rd2 q 1026.9 df cs co black c# 5YR2.5/1 .ri jl ds Carbon sample P1 discarded .ri rd2 q 1025.3 df cs co weak red c# 10R4/3 .ri jl ds Carbon sample P1 discarded .ri rd2 q 1026.2 df cs co very dark gray c# 10YR3/1 .ri jl ds Carbon sample P1 discarded .ri rd2 q 1030.3 df sp lg 2.3 th .2 co pale red .ri jl ds Piece of bone P99 returned to q-lot .ri rd2 q 1026.10 df la lg 4.2 th .3 co reddish gray c# 10R6/1 .ri dc ds Flint blade. Flat one surface. The other very smoothed. Very sharp edges. One extremity quite rounded. P2 ZSB 16.26 .ri rd2 q 1026.8 df ca lg 2.5 th .8 co very dark gray c# 2.5Y3/1 .ri jl ds Piece of pottery. P1 discarded .ri rd2 q 1026.7 df la lg 1.1 th 2 co black c# 5YR2.5/1 .ri dc ds Fragment of a small obsidian blade. Visible parallel lines of the blade. P2 ZSB 16.26 .ri rd2 q 1026.13 df cs co black c# 5YR2.5/1 .ri jl ds Carbon sample. P1 discarded .ri rd2 q 1026.11 df cs co black c# 5YR2.5/1 .ri jl ds Carbon sample P1 discarded .rd N725 .ri rd2 q 1032.1 df cl co black c# 5YR2.5/1 .ri jl ds Clay lump, possible seal impression. P99 to mkb .ri rd2 q 1031.1 df sp .ri jl ds A possible small piece of wood. P2 ZSB 29.11 .rd N726 .ri raf i 165 df bd lg 1.7 th .7 co dark gray c# 5YR4/1 .ri dc ds Almost completely preserved bead. Both flat surfaces. Central hole. One splinted surface. P99 to be drawn and photoed .ri raf q 1033.1 df sm .ri jl ds Sample of soil with white phytolith component. P2 ZSB 22.4 .rd N727 .ri raf q 1034.2 df sp lg 2.7 th 1.7 co pale yellow c# 2.5Y8/4 .ri dc wm sh ds Almost complete shell. P2 ZSB 14.15 .ri raf q 1034.5 df kw lg 2.6 th 1.6 co pale brown c# 10YR6/3 .ri dc ds Fragment of kiln waste. Irregular shape. P2 ZSB 10.2.10 .ri raf q 1034.3 df la lg 2 th .5 co lightly yellowish brown c# 10YR6/4 .ri dc ds Fragment of a mineral (possibly quartz). Parallel traces of work on the surfaces. P2 ZSB 16.26 .ri raf q 1034.4 df sm co very dark gray .ri dc ds Soil sample with a piece of not burnt wood. P2 ZSB 29.11 .ri raf q 1034.1 df sm co very dark gray c# 10YR3/1 .ri dc ds Soil sample with a piece of not burnt wood. P2 ZSB 29.11 .rd N720 .ri dc q 742.3 df la th 5.8 lg 2.6 ds Basalt lithic artifact. Possibly fragmentary rounded extremity. P2 to be drawn .rd N730 .ri dc q 1033.2 df cv th .8 ds Decorated sherd. Crossed lines incised. Ware: chaffy, with calcite intrusions. Associated with q 1033.3; q 1033.4; q 1033.5; q 1033.6; q 1026.16. Part of A12 q 1033.7. P99 to be drawn and photoed q 1033.3 df cv th .6 w1 13 nm w1 is the diameter of the rim ds Decorated rim. Crossed lines incised. Ware: chaffy, with calcite intrusions. Associated with A12 q 1033.2; q 1033.4; q 1033.5; q 1033.6; q 1026.16. Part of A12 q 1033.7. P99 to be drawn and photoed .rd N802 .ri dc q 1033.4 df cv th .7 ds Decorated sherd. Crossed lines incised. Ware: chaffy, with calcite intrusions. Associated with A12 q 1033.2; q 1033.3; q 1033.5; q 1033.6; q 1026.16. Part of A12 q 1033.7. P99 to be drawn and photoed q 1033.5 df cv th .7 ds Decorated sherd. Crossed lines incised. Ware: chaffy, with calcite intrusions. Associated with A12 q 1033.2; q 1033.3; q 1033.4; q 1033.6; q 1026.16. Part of A12 q 1033.7. P99 to be drawn and photoed q 1033.6 df cv th 1 ds Decorated sherd. Crossed lines incised. Ware: chaffy, with calcite intrusions. Associated with A12 q 1033.2; q 1033.3; q 1033.4; q 1033.5; q 1026.16. Part of A12 q 1033.7. P99 to be drawn and photoed q 1026.16 df cv th .6 w1 13 nm w1 is the diameter of the rim ds Decorated sherd. Crossed lines incised. Ware: chaffy, with calcite intrusions. Associated with A12 q 1033.2; q 1033.3; q 1033.4; q 1033.5; q 1033.6. Part of A12 q 1033.7. P99 to be drawn and photoed q 1033.7 df cv ds Decorated rim. Crossed lines incised. Ware: chaffy, with calcite intrusions. Association of A12 q 1033.2; q 1033.3; q 1033.4; q 1033.5; q 1026.16. P99 to be drawn and photoed