.bk A12 .fl ZG130hs.j .fd f191-209 .ed ZG130 .ei hs .rd J717 .ri lr f 183 17 ts whole locus 184 17 ad gully wash 185 16 ts 186 16 ad gully wash 187 15 ts 188 15 ts gully wash 189 16 bf on f190 190 16 is red bks 191 16 is stones, below f190 192 16 ad natural fl, bottom of gullywash 193 17 pt fill pit 194 17 ac ac of fl f195 195 17 fd sherds and pebble .rd J717 196 15 ac above red bks in N of k 197 17 pt cut of pit f193 198 15 bf greyish-red in NW corner 199 15 ad plastic bag - modern - f188, gullywash, sit on f200 200 15 fd natural floor below gullywash .rd J720 201 16 is layer of red crumble, reddish = f214 8628 8571 202 16 bf below gully wash next to south baulk, and stone. Layer of crumble 203 17 bf East side of k 204 19 ad gullywash 205 19 bf 8640 8593 206 17 fc ashy in NE of k 8702 8630 .ri fxx 207 18 ts 8496 8485 208 20 ts 8690 8675 209 18 ad gullywash 8485