.bk A12 .fl ZG205hs.j .fd f254-301 .ed ZG205 .ei hs .rd j610 .ri jo f 236 17 pt-c pit cut, cut either fl or wall f238 238 17 fb red and compacted tx with smooth top face 239 21 w stone wall, N-S one course of stones 240 9 w red brick wall 241 20 ad gully wash 242 9 ac laminated brickyard ac .rd j726 243 9 ac red bricks mixed with ash 244 16 is stones below f186 in E baulk 245 19 ac f222 K15, ashy below gully wash .rd j727 256 13 pb stone pavement 257 13 ac above stone pavement 258 22 ac red bricky material in SE of K 259 22 ac ashy ac in NW of K 260 16 ac on top of bricks f225- extending into K17 under baulk 261 13 ac bricky ac on top of stone pavement (f256) red and ashy - next totem 262 13 w wall running E-W with stones 263 13 is tannur NS - about 100 cm W of E baulk 264 13 is bricks around tannur (f263) 265 13 f1 fill inside tannur (f263) 266 19 fa plaster 267 16 w wall running N-S - corner/ NE - under baulk 268 16 ac occupational next to wall (f267) in NE of K 269 13 ac E baulk 270 13 is bricks in baulk related to burial .rd j729 271 13 is bricks in baulk related to burial 273 22 ac bricky material in western side of K at base of stones 274 21 ad gully wash on top of stones = f235 275 13 he brick installation - (hearth) with ashy ac on top/ in E baulk 276 13 fc floor packing that f275 sits in 277 17 is stone on top of grave in the North baulk 278 17 ac =f268 in K16 - ac next to wall - under N baulk 280 21 is west row of stones - G1a22 - stones flanking doorway 281 21 d doorway in the stones - G1a22 = 239 282 21 is southern row of stones - "antichamber" 283 21 is northern row of stones - "antichamber" 284 13 ta tannur underneath f181 .rd j802 285 17 is draincap, stores in horse shoe shape at south end of f225 286 21 is stone ? west of doorway - lengthwise .rd j803 287 22 fd floor under f273 in the trench - west of area of K22 288 22 fd floor under f287 in the trench 289 22 fc hard material south of f288 under f287 290 22 d stone threshold of f281 (doorway) .rd j803 291 22 is stones in the brick material f273 292 13 b bones of burial, a18 293 17 is =f225 squares bks of drain in k17 294 17 is =f228 stone west running E-W in k16 and k17 295 17 pb stones in SE of k, possible pavement 296 17 is 4 large stones in NE of K 297 17 is large stones E of draincap, slightly curving from NW to SW 298 13 ac ash ac around a25 on W side - not excavated 299 15 is stones used as fill - continuation of f229 ("S-shaped" stones) 300 13 is drain inlet 301 17 f1 pebble surface between f296