.bk A12 .fl j718gb .fd journal entries .ei em .ed ZG531 .rd j718 .ri gb k 15 sg The only thing that is certain about AR (see -lb) is that there is a Western edge to the brick platform and a white floor on top of a portion of it. Snce the Western edge goes into the Northern baulk of k15, an important first step to take is to remove this baulk and follow the edge of the platform. Since the baulk is very near the surface, and time is short, we will not draw it, but only take a picture of it. -lb I will use the label AR to refer to the Royal part of the presumed royal comlex, i.e., the new building adjoining AK in A12. I will continue using AH for the house comlex in the post-palace level, and I will us AP to refer to AK and AR as a single related complex. Even though AR and AP remain conjecturual, the labels are useful for the sake of discussion. .rd j721 q 327 in geneeral slope from SE (top) to NW bottome - also q321, q328 nv lit is two pick runs, hence rather deep at the SE corner, about 60cms. Reason is that sherds are analyzed immediately as being from gully wash and only the few significan ones are kept. .rd 721 -dy Fan-Xi and Carol both sick today. I spend the whole day with lr. Concentrated on k15,k16,k17,k19. k 20 dy levelled a sloping level S (top) to N throughout locus. Reached a uniform grey brickfall f219, throughout locus, then turned over work crew to fab. f 219 ds We reached a uniform hard grey surface (which I assume is a brickfall from later structure, i.e, post AK) on account of similar brickfall in adjacent squares. However, I did not articulate it. k 18 dy Removed soft Wadi Wash throughout locus, in a slope from E (top) to W. Exposed red brick material in SE corner (f218), grey bricky mass (brickfall? f215), stone row (f220) f 215 df ac ds It is unclear whether it is a brickfall with clear face and direction of the fall or a rather congealed bricky mass. It appears in any case to come from post AK structure, because there is no trace of red clay. k 19 dy Only a small patch of red in SE corner (f221). otherwise, mostly a grey bricky mass. I removed N. baulk without drawing section: the profile is simple, a straight line sloping W from corner to corner, with only top soil. Removal of baulk will allow us to reach faster the curving line of stone in k16. f 205 sg I decide to remove baulk and go down below brickfall to look for continuation of horsehoe stone structure f213 i 40 H99 This small jar is somewhat unexpected because it appears to be whole even though it is fully within a bricky mass in Right side up or spout pointing north k 16 dy We went down within gully wash at the south end of locus, but did not reach bottom yet even tough it is very deep (186 at end). Removed portion of f201 (red bricky). f 201 cp Various large fragments of thick white plaster are appearing. Some are sharply oblique, almost vertical, and seem to come from the wall rather than the floor. We cannot find any definition to brick arrangment, which implies that we are in brickfall. sg 1 decide to continue removing red bricky mass since there is no evidence that we are within a wall. f 213 sh This wall is taking on a rather definite horseshoe appearance, which is extremely odd. However, we have now few courses of large stone, each 40-50 cms high, up to a total height of 186 cms, all alligned so as to form a definite curved line. .rd j722 -dy Fxx & AN at home. I confirmed with LR. Disturbed by various visitors who came to plead for relative caught as they broke in our home in the middle of the night. dy I concentrated on clearing a22 (the horseshoe shaped stone wall) by removing baulk and going down to the first course of stones in k19. I also took pictures aimed at showing especially the presence of a deep gully wash (ancient?) in the middle of the gateway. Confirmed also in k16 articulating structure, that lean against the gateway a22, in k17 aiming to reach same level as in k16, and in k18 to seek SW-most end of gateway. a 22 sg It appears that we have a definite U-shaped gateway, filled with gully wash. We will leave a section moving EW along it's axis (which seems perfectly alined with the cardinal points), and we will expose the two passageways (E&W), trying to reach a floor level at the bottom. If it reaches the level of the base of the perimetral wall of AK, it would be standing up to almost four meters! We should be on the look out for steps (&door sockets?) .ri lr dy fan-xi & Carol are sick- I am working with GB continuing digging k16, k18, k19 & resumed k17. k 17 dy We started to dig again in k17- noticing a mix between the red and a gray color. We are digging down watching for a continuous line of the red color or stones, as seen in k16 .ri gb k 19 nv I decide to remove baulk without drawing it because it is indistinct and we are running out of time. We'll only draw the outer baulk of the equivalent of a 10 by 10 square (k15,16,18,19). The main reason is to obtain a view of "gate" a22 a 22 ds Horseshoe wall of stone, possibly encircling a gate to the East ph We will get a view of stones in k15,16,19 with section running through it's middle. purpose of section is to show gully wash material for top 2ms. of deposition within gate. sh Horseshoe shape is definite, and seems to allow an opening of about 150cm to it's Eastern end. sg We will move the current section to the West so as to have it run through the center of the U.