.bk A14 .fl L702jl.j .fd log and journal entries .ed L702 .ei jl .ri jl .rd L630 f 22 L701jl 23 L701jl 25 1 ad m2603 40 88 .ri ed 26 1 ad 8570 116 27 2 fi 8546 145 .ri jl .rd L701 28 11 ad 8568 145 29 2 ad 8548 150 30 3 ad 8466 155 .rd L702 31 2 s 8544 155 32 2 a 8543 155 33 2 ad 8543 155 34 1 ad 8570 96 35 1 s .rd L630 .ri ed i 7 25 1 46 fg 2.5 2 2 cl head of a human figurine .rd L701 8 25 1 51 ma 4 0.2 0.2 mt bronze nail .rd L702 9 17 3 la 1.0 1.8 1.9 li fallen from E baulk of k3, has no q-lot; red stone, smooth, maybe carnelian? .ri jl 10 32 2 70 ma maybe metal, maybe not; tiny perforated disk with a spiral pattern on the surface 11 34 1 71 fg 3.0 6.5 3.7 cl animal fg body 12 29 2 70 bo pieces of a carenated bowl 13 29 2 70 sp 2 pieces of shell, found north of i12 14 29 2 70 bone piece of bone found inside i12 .ri ed q 66 pb 34 1 north-east corner of locus 8570 96 5 67 pib 29 2 south-east corner of locus 8548 150 5 .ri jl 68 pb 34 1 north-west corner of locus 8570 96 69 pbi 30 3 north-east corner of locus 8460 139 70 pi 32 2 south-east corner 8510 140 71 pb 34 1 north-east corner 8570 99 10 72 pbi 34 1 north-west corner 8570 99 10 73 pb 30 3 west half 8468 159 5 .ri jl .rd L702 q 51.2 la 1 2.3 3 li worked piece of obsidian 60.1 la li chunks of obsidian, worked? 64.1 ca 3.5 4.5 2.5 cl wheel? 63.1 la 0.4 5.0 1.5 obsidian 63.3 sp shell 63.2 la 1.3 3 0.3 obsidian 69.1 la piece of flint blade 67.1 sm white material 69.2 cl clay lump 70.1 uk either stone or slag 69.3 cl clay lump 72.1 la obsidian blade 72.2 sp shell 73.1 sp shell f 25 ds This is the soft dirt observed in f15. We have decided to dig it first since it seems more likely that the compact earth preceed the soft dirt, rather than the other way around. q 44 nd This q-lot is actually quite deep, 40cm, because the workman was following a layer down in the south-west corner of the square. So, although the depth is great, the actual amount of dirt removed was quite small, since the area excavated, being a layer sloping downwards into a corner, grew progressively less as the depth increased. -dy After finishing leveling in k11 and k13, we decided to set aside the southern squares and focus on the northern ones. In k1, we excavated the soft dirt, f25, first observed in k15. In k2, we removed the last section of f7, in the south-west corner, in order to see f6 sloping down more clearly. Finally, in k3, since we observed that the bricks f20 seemed to be the lowest layer, and it seemed that there was only dirt underneath, gb suggested that we photograph the bricks and remove the step in the east third of k3. f 6 dy This feature seems to slope clearly to the south-west. It is probably the same as f17 in k3. We will probably begin excavating it today. f 28 ds More ^ad in k11. We have yet to find any evidence of architecture or other features of note. It is generally brown, hard, and dirty. It is below f23. f 27 ds This is soft dirt, similar to f7, in f6. Perhaps it is fill, perhaps just natural erosion. f 1 tc co f3 f 2 tc co f4 f 3 tc co f15 f 4 tc co f6 tc co f7 f 7 tc ov f6 f 5 tc co f23 f 8 tc co f19 f 6 tc co f29 f 9 tc cu f6 f 10 tc si f9 f 22 tc co f30 f 11 tc co f16 tc co f17 tc co f18 tc co f20 f 12 tc si f13 f 13 tc cu f6 f 14 tc si f6 f 15 tc co f25 f 16 tc co f22 tc ab f18 tc ab f17 f 18 tc co f22 tc ab f16 tc ab f17 f 17 tc ab f18 tc ab f16 tc ov f22 f 20 tc re f30 f 21 tc re f22 f 23 tc co f28 f 25 tc co f26 f 27 tc si f6 q 11.5 df la ds piece of a flint blade P2 ZSB16-15 q 25.2 df sg ds piece of slag/kiln waste P2 ZSB104-3 q 20.1 df la ds large round stone broken in half, perforation on one side P2 ZSB16-15 q 37.1 df sg P2 ZSB104-3 q 20.3 df la ds flint scraper P2 ZSB16-15 q 37.3 df fg ds ovis head and forequarters, very small lg 2.2 ht 2.1 w1 2.0 wm cl c# 10YR7/2 co light gray P99 to rah q 22.1 df la ds half of smooth round stone with flat edges P2 ZSB16-15 .rd L702 f 26 df ad ds platform of very hard soil in south-east corner of k1 f 29 ds This feature was originally thought to be an extension of f6. However, with the identification of f30 in k3, I now believe both f6 and f29 to be higher levels of the exact same material, which slopes downhill from k1 to k3. This, then, is the homogenous material seen in the A12 k6 south baulk. It is grayish brown, very hard, and has black ashy inclusions and some bricky material, generally very small. q 67 nd There was a medium-sized patch of white material, approximately 10cm in diameter, that was removed by a workman who wasn't paying attention. A14q67.1 is a sample from this layer. f 30 ds This ^ad is very hard, grayish-brown, and contains small ash and brick inclusions. It covers the entire locus and appears to slope downward from k1 and k2. f 31 ds Two rows of apparent bricks, one extending north-south and one east-west, meeting in a corner. They are the extension of f20 in k3. However, our identification of them as bricks is still highly uncertain. On the one hand, they clearly are bricks, with mortar lines and an apparent plastered face of red material. On the other hand, the material from which they are composed seems exactly the same as the surrounding soil, including hardness and inclusions, and even has some sherds in it. So, I do not yet know quite what to make of this feature. f 32 ds This is the material contained by f31 in the south-west corner of k2. The top layer of it seemed to be different from the surrounding material, i.e. more red and crumbly, but it was a very thin layer. After 5cm, more of the hard, bricky material appeared under it. f 33 ds This material is essentially the same as f30, i.e. hard, brownish-gray, with black and red inclusions. It is all of the soil in k2 east of (outside of?) f31 and underneath f26. It also has strange white patches in the south-east section (see v7, 7a). f 32 dy This feature remains unsolved. Perhaps it was more than 5cm thick; in the north part, we have found large red patches, as if chunks of brick or plaster fell into the ^a from f31. They are much larger than the bricky inclusions found elsewhere in the surrounding ^ad. Could this layer/feature equal f17?