.bk A14 .fl L709jl.j .fd log and journal entries .ed L709 .ei jl .ri jl .rd L704 q 46.1 df ca ds piece of broken clay, triangular in shape, raised bump on one side, purpose unknown co light gray c# 10YR7/2 lg 3.1 w1 3.1 ht 1.3 P99 to rah q 46.2 df ca ds clay cylinder, broken at both ends lg 3.4 w1 0.8 c# 10YR4/1 co dark gray P99 to rah q 69.3 df cl ds small clay lump, possible piece of sealing, maybe eroded seal impression? lg 2.3 w1 1.0 P99 to mkb .rd L709 q 115.2 df la ds fragment of larger stone, edges cut or broken straight, perhaps a corner; carved out on one side, like the corner of a box; difficult to describe, perhaps for grinding or cooking? co white-brown ht 4.9 lg 10.9 w1 8.6 P2 ZSB16-17 q 134.1 df sp ds piece of broken, translucent crystal, apparently not worked w1 1.4 ht 1.1 lg 2.6 co yellow-brown q 136.1 df la ds piece of crystal worn very smooth, triangular shape ht 0.5 lg 1.3 w1 1.1 co yellow-brown P2 ZSB16-17 q 140.1 df fg ds leg or horn from figurine lg 0.9 w1 0.8 ht 2.4 co very pale brown c# 10YR7/4 wm cl P99 to rah q 138.1 df la ds two broken pieces of obsidian blade, one larger and one much smaller; all measurements are for the larger piece w1 1.3 lg 3.6 th 0.4 co black P2 ZSB16-17 q 138.2 df la ds broken piece of a large grinding stone, made of basalt, one side flat, other rounded lg 11.5 th 6.3 w1 10.3 co dark gray P2 ZSB105-2 .rd L708 .ri ed i 17 df bo ds miniature of carinated bowl with horizontal incised lines on the shoulder ht 4.5 w1 4.5 w3 2.5 wm cl P99 to ms i 16 df fg ds hindquarters of animal figurine lg 3.8 ht 1.7 th 2.2 wm cl c# 10YR7/2 co light gray P99 to rah q 101.2 df la ds worked stone shaped as a prism with smoothed edges lg 2.5 ht 1 w2 1.4 wm li co black P2 ZSB16-17 q 101.1 df la ds flat stone with two grooves on one face lg 3.7 ht 1.8 w2 3.5 wm li P2 ZSB16-17 q 115.1 df wh ds broken wheel ht 4.6 w2 2.5 wm cl P2 ZSB5-4