.bk A14 .fl N809dc.j .fd object descriptions .ed N809 .ei dc .rd N801 .ri rd2 q 322.6 df cl lg 4 th 1.8 co pale brown c# 10YR6/3 .ri jl ds Irregular clay cylinder, possibly showing finger or cord impressions. P2 ZSB 8.20 .ri rd2 q 323.3 df cl co brown c# 7.5YR4/3 .ri jl ds Chunks of possibly shaped clay P2 ZSB 8.20 .ri rd2 q 322.5 df sl lg 9 th 7 co yellowish red c# 5YR4/6 .ri jl ds Sealing with peg/cord impression. P2 ZSB 11.15 .rd N801 .ri jl q 324.1 df ca w1 5.2 th 1.5 c# 7.5YR6/3 co light brown ds Piece of broken ceramic vessel, circular in shape, possible jar stopper. P2 ZSB 6.8 i 79 df sl th 1.3 lg 5.6 w1 3.1 co dark gray ds Part of rounded disk of sealing. P2 ZSB 11.15 i 78 df sm ds Soil within i 77. P2 ZSB 121.4 .rd N803 .ri rd2 q 338.2 df ca lg 3.5 th 1.4 co light reddish brown c# 5YR6/3 .ri jl ds Part of a thick clay disk, surfaces highly smoothed. P2 ZSB 7.26 .ri rd2 i 81 df si lg 3.6 th 2.1 co black c# 5YR2.5/1 .ri jl ds Seal impression P99 to mkb .ri rd2 q 335.1 df bd lg 2.4 th .9 co dark grayish c# 2.5Y4/2 .ri jl ds Clay bead, smooth surface. P2 ZSB 12.11 .ri rd2 q 340.3 df bd lg 2 th .4 co black c# 2.5Y2.5/1 .ri jl ds Broken point of an obsidian blade. P99 to be drawn and photoed .ri rd2 q 336.3 df la lg 2.2 th .4 co black c# 2.5Y2.5/1 .ri jl ds Part of a flint blade. P2 ZSB 16.27 .ri rd2 q 339.2 df la lg 2.3 th 1.9 co dark reddish c# 5YR3/2 .ri jl ds Piece of flint P2 ZSB 16.27 .ri rd2 q 323.2 df fg co dark reddish brown c# 2.5YR3/3 .ri jl ds Fragmentary figurine trapped in a soil matrix P99 to rah .ri rd2 q 328.1 df la lg 2.5 th .4 co light reddish gray c# 2.5YR7/1 .ri jl ds Two pieces of stone, one a flint flake, the other smoothed, rounded black stone. P2 ZSB 16.27 .ri rd2 q 332.1 df la lg 3.7 th 1 co white c# 2.5YR8/1 .ri jl ds Piece of worked flint. P2 ZSB 16.27 .ri rd2 q 333.1 df la lg 2.9 th .9 co reddish gray c# 2.5YR6/1 .ri jl ds Piece of flint P2 ZSB 16.27 .ri rd2 q 326.1 df la lg 4.5 th 1.5 co reddish gray c# 10R5 .ri jl ds Large chunk of flint P2 ZSB 16.27 .ri rd2 q 331.1 df la lg 4.8 th 1.1 co weak red c# 10R4/2 .ri jl ds Large piece of worked flint P2 ZSB 16.27 .ri rd2 q 330.1 df la lg 5.5 th 2.4 co light gray c# 10R7/1 .ri jl ds Part of a stone ring, surface is very smooth, broken at both ends. P99 to be drawn and photoed P2 ZSB 16.28 .ri rd2 q 325.1 df la lg 2.4 th .5 co reddish brown c# 5GR4/3 .ri jl ds Piece of flint P2 ZSB 16.27 .rd N804 .ri rd2 q 340.2 df la lg 5.3 th 1 co reddish brown c# 2.5YR5/3 .ri jl ds Large chunk of worked flint, perhaps a P2 ZSB 16.27 .ri rd2 q 340.1 df si lg 3.6 th .9 co pinkish gray c# 5YR6/2 .ri jl ds Seal impression P99 to mkb .ri rd2 q 339.1 df cl co pink c# 5YR7/4 .ri jl ds Clay lump lot, ten clay lumps, possibly all part of the same object. P2 ZSB 8.20