.bk A14 .fl O617jw.j .fd daily journal O615-O617 .ei jw .ed O617 .rd O615 .ri jw -dy Inspected site to determine state of preservation since excavation stopped last August. None of the loci excavated in season N (2003) were covered. This includes squares k1,k2,k3,k4,k11,k12,k13 as well as exploratory loci k89 and k100. Some surface definition was lost but most large features appear to be intact underneath a layer of blended material including soil deposited by wind and consolidated by precipitation. A general cleaning with small hand tools should restore the unit to the condition it was left. A small, deep gully was cut by surface wash which breached a dirt berm during the winter along the southern side of the unit (roughly corresponding to the "k31,k32..." string of potential loci). It should not interfere with excavations this season. -sy jw worked with the surveyor, bp, to re-establish the grid whose remaining markers were all lost during the winter. We marked the northern boundary of the "k1,k2..." string of squares 3.5m from the southern boundary to protect the weak, deep-drop baulk that runs along the northern edge of the unit. We also established the "k31,k32..." string of squares to the south. .rd O616 .ri jw -dy Spent most of the day at the house studying the global record prepared by last season's unit supervisor, jl. The purpose was to gain general familiarity and to identify surface features to appear upon cleaning. Starting numbers for logs were determined. Spreadsheets were prepared in anticipation of data entry. Photographed each locus active last season to document condition. Assembled blank pages for this year's book. .rd O617 .ri jw -sg jw met with gb and fab to discuss the basic approach to the start of excavations. At first we considered directly addressing the issue of the link if any between the platform and the abbi. We could accomplish this by continuing the excavation of loci k1, k2, k11, and k12. However, fab pointed out that we may get an added advantage by moving west to begin at an organized pile of large stones which generally follow the E-W line of the AK palace wall and seem to angle a bit to the south to line up with the abbi. All agreed to this approach since the cover is thin in this region due to erosion and excavation can proceed quickly. Therefore, we will establish squares k4, k5, k14, and k15 today so that excavation may begin there on Sunday, O620. -eq The dirt removal train for A17 and A18 to the east follows a line along and just inside the northern boundary of this unit. Coordinated the location with gb and the contractor SabaH Kassem, to minimize the danger and disruption to A14 workmen as the cars filled with spoils pass overhead. -sy jw worked with the surveyor, bp to establish standard excavation markers for k4,k5,k14,k15.