.bk A14 .fl O706jw2.j .fd special journal for pottery analysis .ei jw .ed O706 .rd O706 .ri jw -dy gb and mkb stressed the need to identify key pottery lots for immediate analysis. All lots cannot be analyzed at the time of excavation and most will be evaluated in a later season. The general criteria for immediate analysis were that the lots have the potential to provide information on phasing that may help to relate strata to occupational sequence. This is especially important in A14 because we have virtually no architecture and the unit is located in an ancient and modern gully that has subjected whatever was built here to consistent erosion. Neverthelss we have excavated several isolated functional units which may provide clues as to the stratigraphy of A14. What follows is a list and rationale for the request for immediate pottery analysis for each. f 193 df ad ds This accumulation in the N baulk of k4 covers a pise floor, f213, and has yielded a number of artifacts including restorable vessels, bronze, and grindstones. It abuts the AK walls and is at the same elevation as the stone platform in the sacral area nearby. It was at least partially sealed by accumulations above. ns The physical placement and the elevation of the artifacts and architecture suggests that this floor was part of an early reuse of the AK building of the palace, which would place it in Phase 3a. Some of the recovered jars and cups are ambiguous in type, so an analyis of the pottery from lots q486, q474, and q469 would be particularly useful in establishing a baseline for post-palace occupation in this part of the tell. f 226 df a ds This accumulation in the southern part of k4 covers a floor, f231, with a very hard surface and at an identical elevation to, f193. This soft accumulation was sealed by a harder accumulation, f223 above. ns Because of its apparent relationship with the floor in the north baulk of the same locus, analysis of the pottery from here could confirm that the floors are the same and were used in Phase 3a. Lots q517, and q518 should be analyzed. f 203 df fi ds Fill in a deep pit containing, among other things, a seal impression. ns We assume that this feature was created late in the occupational cycle of the sacral precinct, in Phase 6. A specific phase identification from the pottery would help establish the time of last use. Lot q483 should be analyzed. f 181 df a ds Accumulation in the NE quadrant of k13, partially sealed, from which over 200 oblong clay objects and raw clay were found. Although there was no horizontal containment, there is a strong suggestion that this was a concentrated industrial activity. The locus is in the middle of the sacral area, but the objects are most likely for secular use. ns It is important to know when the sacral function ended and analysis of the pottery from this feature should help to provide some definite confirmation of jw's estimate that this activity was conducted in Phase 4. Lots q449, q445, q437, q435, q432, and q430 should be analyzed. f 229 df a ds Accumulation above stone and sherd pavement, f230, in the entire locus of k15. Sealed by accumulations that yeilded large amounts of pottery with string-cut bases. There are also a number of large ashlars, f227, in the matrix. ns Our current presumption is that the ashlars may mark the western extent of sacral precinct in Phase 2 or 3. Analysis of the pottery, excavated today, which comes from the deepest part of the current excavation should provide some indication of the validity of the hypothesis. Pottery from lots q542, q535, and q528 should be analyzed.