.bk A14 .fl O711jw1.j .fd daily journal O711 and feature description f243-246 .ed O711 .rd O711 .ri jw -wk 28 reported for work. 6 detailed to A12 to work in the abi. -sg Held brief meeting on-site to orient gb, fab, and mkb to the logic behind the tentative stratigraphic assignments made by jw on O710. It was immediately apparent that the east and north baulks of most loci were keys to understanding the stratigraphic sequence. Staff will score baulks and place tags with feature numbers on the baulks to assure that all features had been recognized, named, described, and incorporated into the analysis. -sy bp removed unused marker stakes m3559, m3640, m3407, m3560, m3642, m3641, m3406, and m3561 from loci k23 and k24 because we had excavated below the point where they would be useful for relays and elevations. Installed control points in vertical faces of baulks in k14. -dy continued to excavate in k14, k23, and k23. k 23 dy Continued to remove ancient gully wash from what the section indicates may have been the deepest part of it. There is still about 100cm difference in the elevations of the current work in this locus and the stone and sherd paving, f233, in k25, about 5m downslope to the west. k 24 dy Approaching the elevation of the stone and sherd pavement, f233, in k25, immediately to the west. We see a transition from the accumulation, f242, containing large amounts of sherds (preliminarily assessed by jo to be Phase 3) to a softer, brown accumulation, f246, resembling f229, which covered stone and sherd paving, f230, diagonally to the NW in k15. sg Carefully excavate another 5 cm to see if we encounter a SE extension of the sherd and stone paving seen in k15, and k25. k 14 dy Removed the subfloor, f243, associated with a series of pise floors excavated on O708. Differentiated a reddish accumulation in the south half, f245, from a browner accumulation, f244, in the north half. f 243 df sf ds Hard-packed soil in k14 under accumulation f205 (which itself may have been part of the subfloor under parts of pise floors f239 and f241). f 244 df a ds brown accumulation under f243 in N part of k14 f 245 df a ds reddish under f243 in S part of k14 f 246 df aa ds soft brown under f242 in k24