.bk A14 .fl O712jw.j .fd daily journal O712 and feature description f247-250 .ed O712 .rd O712 .ri jw -wk 28 reported for work. 6 detailed to work in A12. -sn gm and jw drew sections of the north and east baulks of k15 and the east baulk of k25. k 23 dy Continued to excavate deeply into locus. Throughout the day, began to encounter large and small stones, randomly scattered throughout, without any apparent organization. Designated a new feature for the accumulation, f250, surrounding the largest concentration of stones in the north half of the locus. Upon scraping, the accumulation in the south half, still undesignated, seems more bricky. k 15 dy Drew the N baulk in anticipation of removal. Began to remove it by features, with the intention of incorporating it into k5 when the two are at the same elevation. k 24 dy carefully removed 5cm of accumulation, f246, in the NW corner of the locus to see if the stone and sherd layer seen at the same elevation in the SE corner of k25 continues through the baulk. Except for a few stones seen in the N section, it appears as if the layer ends in the baulk. k 14 dy continued to excavate the brown layer, f244, which covers the more reddish layer, f245, seen more prominently in the south half of the square. f 247 df ly ds Layer seen in east section of k25. Seems to be a succession of alternating dark and light bands of soil and fine pebbles. Missed when we excavated the locus. f 245 df a ds this reddish accumulation seems to be the same as f207, seen in section across the east baulk of k15. f 244 df a ds this brownish accumulation seems to be the same as f167, seen in section across the east baulk of k15. f 248 df pb ds Half ring of sherds, laid flat, in SE corner of N baulk of k15. Elevation approximately that of a series of pise floors seen in k4, k5, and k14. Function unknown, but possibly part of a foundation for an accompanying wall structure to the south and west which would have been eroded by the gully. f 249 df he ds Ring of sherds with burned soil and traces of charcoal in center in the middle of k4. Incorporated in a floor built up with thin layers formed by successive applications of moistened soil and packed down with each application. f 250 df a ds Brown accumulation in the vicinity of large stones in k23. Designated in anticipation that it may cover architectural elements.