.bk A14 .fl O717gm1.j .fd q-item-log q579.1-672.2 .ei gm .ed O717 .rd O711 .ri gm qi 581.1 la 8 15 10 li tan fr. of grind stone 579.1 bd 1.6 2 cl tan bead 579.2 ca 7 21 15 cl tan lithic object 585.1 la 12 11.5 11 li tan clay object burned on top 582.1 la 0.5 4.7 2.2 li light brown blade? 588.1 la 2.5 3.5 3 li black lithic tool 589.1 cl 3 5 3.5 cl reddish brown clay lump with imprints 586.1 fg 2.2 3 2.2 cl tan fr. of figurine 591.1 bn 1.5 2.8 0.5 bn light brown jaw of a little rodent 592.1 bd 0.5 1.5 li tan bead .rd O712 .ri gm 593.3 la 7.5 13.5 8.5 li tan fr. of grind stone 593.2 la 10 32 21 li tan stone artifact 599.1 la 2 4.5 3 li light brown flint core 600.1 fg 3.5 3.5 5 cl tan animal 601.1 bk 7.5 13 12 cl tan cooked brick 593.1 la 4.5 3.5 4.5 li tan stone artifact 601.2 cl 4 5.6 4.2 cl brown 3 clay lumps, bigger measured 601.3 cl 3 7 6 cl brown clay lump with holes 601.4 la 2 7 4 li brown stone "donut" 605.1 la 1 4 3 li tan flint core 604.1 bd 1 0.7 sh reddish brown shell bead 605.2 la 0.3 1 1 ob black obsidian fragment .rd O713 .ri gm 611.1 la 0.8 4.5 1.7 li tan flint core 611.2 la 1 3 2.3 li tan flint core 611.3 la 5 8.5 7 li tan stone tool 612.1 cl 1 3 2 cl dark brown clay lump with imprints 617.1 la 1 2.5 1.7 ob black obsidian flake 609.1 la 7 22.5 12 li tan grind stone 618.1 cl 2 3 2.5 cl gray clay lump with possible string or seal impression 609.2 wh 1.5 3 cl tan small clay wheel with chipped edge .ri jw 626.1 la 5 8 li 1/2 stone ring 627.1 la li tan 3 chert chips 626.2 la ob black 2 obsidian flakes 627.2 la 3 7 5.5 li gray lithic tool .rd O714 .ri gm 632.1 la 4 5.3 li tan stone tool (mace?) 630.1 la 3 2.5 2 li gray flint core 637.1 ca 2.5 3.2 2.7 cl tan clay artifact 630.2 cl 2 3 2 cl gray clay lump 637.2 bd 2.5 0.7 li gray stone bead 639.1 la 5 12.5 13 li dark gray fr. of grind stone 638.1 la 2.5 8 3.2 li gray stone tool 637.3 sp 1.5 5 3.2 sh brown broken shell 641.1 cl 2.5 4 3.5 cl tan clay lump 641.2 la 0.5 2.5 1.7 ob black obsidian flake 645.1 cl 1.5 2.5 2 cl gray clay lump 646.1 ca 1 3.5 2.5 cl tan clay artifact? 642.1 sm 3.5 22 15 cl tan coated, heated clay object (2 pcs) .ri jw 648.1 kw 5 25 20 cl green vetrified clay (kiln waste) 648.2 la 10 20 17 li tan broken limestone door socket 648.3 bk 7 24 14 cl tan large rectangular baked brick 651.1 la 2 7 5 li brown 2 chert cores .rd O715 .ri jw 653.1 wh 3.5 3 3 cl tan axle of wheel 653.2 fg 4 6 4 cl tan animal part? 653.4 la 3.5 5.5 5 li black broken tool 653.5 la 0.5 2.5 2 li tan chert flake 658.1 wh cl tan broken wheel 657.1 la 2 4.5 4 li gray 3 chert cores .ri gm 657.2 wh 3.7 6.5 cl tan wheel 661.1 la 4.5 3.3 li brown stone tool 664.1 fg 4 9 5 cl tan animal 664.2 fg 2 1.4 cl tan clay fg 664.3 la 4.5 4 4 li 2 flint cores 664.4 cl 2 4 3 cl clay lump 653.3 cu 11 13 cl tan spherical cup 672.1 wh 3 4 cl wheel axle 672.2 ca 4 2.5 cl?