.bk A14 .fl O727gm.j .fd description of items and q-items .ei gm .ed O727 .rd O727 .ri gm q 781.1 df fg ds Almost entire animal figurine, maybe an onagre; the face is broken to the end, to the sides of it there are the ears. The neck shows a high and thin mane. The entire trunk remains; the back part is broken, as the legs, but it shows the tail. A half of the surface is covered by concretions. wm cl ht 5.60 lg 3.54 w1 2.20 c# 2.5Y8/2 co pale yellow P99 To drafting and photography q 782.1 df cl ds Clay lump with a flattened side and the opposite one convex. Apparently no imprints on surface. wm cl ht 1.40 lg 2.59 w1 2.19 c# 2 FOR GLEY 5/5PB co bluish gray P2 ZSB 8-24 q 782.2 df ca ds Clay artifact, broken, with an end larger than the other, elliptical section, rounded end. Maybe the leg of an animal figurine. ht 1.98 lg 1.20 w1 0.86 c# 10YR6/3 co pale brown P2 ZSB 7-32 q 783.1 df sm ds Sample of charcoal embedded in dirt matrix P2 ZSB 24-24 q 783.2 df sm ds Sample of white material P2 ZSB 29-16 q 784.1 df la ds Lithic tool with trapezoidal shape; rounded edges, surfaces flattened and smoothed; some parts are consumed, maybe by use. wm li ht 5.71 lg 7.81 w1 8.11 co dark gray nm wt > 1 k P99 To drafting q 786.1 df cl ds Little clay lump with elliptical shape and traces of fibres on surface. wm cl ht 0.86 lg 2.30 w1 1.36 c# 10YR6/3 co pale brown P2 ZSB 8-24 q 787.1 df la ds Little fragment of a mineral with some of the sides smoothed and polished. wm li ht 0.82 lg 2.07 w1 1.40 co light yellow with transparency P2 ZSB 20-16 q 789.1 df bd ds Lithic bead with almost rounded shape; the lower side is flat, the upper one is convex. The outer perimeter is irregular. wm li ht 0.80 w2 2.92 co tan P99 To drafting q 794.1 df la ds Two flint flakes with signs of hitting and chopping, notches on edges, and still part of the external cortex showing. wm li ht 0.92 lg 3.11 w1 2.52 co brown nm bigger piece measured P2 ZSB 20-16 q 795.1 df la ds Lithic tool with almost cubic shape, with a convexity on one side. Rounded edges. wm li ht 4.03 lg 5.13 w1 4.35 co tan wt 142 P2 ZSB 20-16 q 795.2 df la ds Lithic tool with almost polygonal lengthened shape, with many sides, flattened and smoothed. Partially covered by concretions. wm li ht 3.05 lg 6.24 w1 3.86 co light gray wt 135 P2 ZSB 20-16 i 223 ;df la df pol ds Lithic tool, broken, with a lengthened shape and a lengthened elliptical section; edges are rounded, surfaces are smoothed and polished. Maybe it was a tool to sharpen blades. wm li ht 6.13 lg 3.59 w1 1.97 co very dark gray wt 78 P99 To drafting i 224 ;df la df gr ds Lithic tool with trapezoidal shape, rounded edges, surfaces flattened and smoothed; some parts are consumed, maybe by use. wm li ht 5.71 lg 7.81 w1 8.11 co dark gray nm wt > 1 k P99 To drafting i 227 ;df la df gr ds Lithic tool with lengthened shape and one side larger than the other; surfaces are consumed in some points, maybe by use. wm li ht 5.83 lg 15.79 w1 7.46 co dark gray nm wt > 1 k i 228 df fg ds Almost entire animal figurine, a dog; it shows a lengthened face, with the ears to the sides; the neck shows an applied collar with two parts jutting out to the sides of the neck, and a third on the back of it, bigger, with a hole in it. Then the entire trunk, the genitalia, and the four legs, broken. Fingerprints on surface. wm cl ht 3.40 lg 4.81 w1 2.10 c# 10YR7/4 co very pale brown wt 20 P99 To drafting and photography P99 To drafting i 229 df ma ds Very thin bronze pin, bended; one end is sharp, the other is larger and rounded. wm mt lg 7.10 w2 0.28 co green P99 To conservation