.bk A14 .fl O728dc.j .fd daily journal O728 .ei dc .ed O728 .rd O728 .ri dc k 3 dy We remove another q.lot from f299 until the southern edge of the locus. We take then off a q.lot from all f300. The surface of the locus is completely levelled. Some pottery seems to emerge on the western side of the locus and the situation could become similar to the one in k4 south to k3, with a huge expanse of jars on all the surface. Since on O729 the season of the excavation ends, we decide to stop the work in k3 for Mz17. A pit is appearing in the centre of the locus. We take measurements of the pit (f304) and last elevations for the stone (f289) and f299 and 300 from the all the locus.