.bk A14 .fl O804jw.j .fd daily journal for O730 .ei jw .ed O804 .rd O730 .ri jw -wk Fifteen reported for work and were assigned duties excavating the east baulk of k4 and cleaning. -sf jw and dc shared supervisory work in the field. gm stayed at home processing jars from the second phase of the cache a20, found in k4 and the surrounding baulks. jo worked on documenting pottery from other units. k 4 dy Continued excavating the east baulk to the level of accumlation, f299, in k3. sg We intend to leave a small ledge on the west face of the east baulk of k4 that is 20cm higher than living accumulation, f278 in k4. Although f299 and f278 are undoubted the same accumulation, it would have taken too much time to excavate f299 down to the level of f278, which itself has not been fully removed. Both accumulations will be fully excavated in a subsequent season.