.bk A15 .fl L629okk.j .fd field journal .ed L629 .ei okk .rd L623 .ri okk -lb Notes on numbering of squares - after discussion with gb, mkb & fab, we decided to number the squares from the N to the S, the westernmost squares 1-4, the easternmost 11-14. The rationale is as a mnemonic device, so that it is easier to remember that k1 is next to k11, and so on. Another consideration is that if new squares are opened to the south they may be opened sequentially. -sg The first task for A15 is to remove the backfill which covers the northern and eastern parts of the area. This should be accomplished in a couple of days of work as there are ten workmen assigned to the task. It is still uncertain as to the extent of the backfill, it seems that there is no clear distinction between the surface of the Tel and backfill in the form of sandbags or plastic. k 3 dy Today we broke ground in k3. The square slopes at about a 30 degree angle to the east, so we levelled the baulks as well. The first goal is to level the square, using the big pick in 15 cm deep pick runs. f 1 df ts ds topsoil in k3. The square slopes at about 30 degrees eastward. --i It appears from the evidence of A16 that the Khabur period structures may have their southern extent in A16. This is based on the following evidence: the extreme slope southwards and the brickfall with covers it but does not seem to continue into A15. Also I recall that while working on A12 in MZ12 about 8 m to the south of k1 we found pavement that abutted an EW wall that we interpreted as having a retaining function and the westernmost extent. Although this was about 1.5 m lower than where we are currently excavating, the later Khabur settlement mirrors the earlier Isin-Larsa settlement partly because it appears that the topography of the tell was similar in these two periods. The ancient settlement conditions the topography of the modern tell, and A16 is very striking in this case. Just below the surface of the tell was found brickfall which covered most of the settlement in that area. The brickfall also appears to have been a factor in the extremity of the slope in that area. k 7 H99 It is likely that we will find the remainder of a building in k1 as there appears to be part of a room in A16k7, the inside of which faces inwards towards the south. There is also a vessel in a small niche. It is at the bottom of a slope, so it is also possible that it may have been destroyed by the gully and/or the later road (modern) which apparently came through this area and was in existence at the time when gb and mkb first came to consider Tel Mozan for excavation. -sg sb and I spoke about a couple of possible strategies for excavation. First, because of the height and extent of decay of the baulks between k1 and A13, and k2 and A13. This could be accomplished by decreasing the area of excavation to 3.5 m, or by moving the baulk from the normal E to the W, but this must be considered by gb. Also there is the possibility of an extra square to the E, either to the east of k11 or k12. This would be to accommodate the possibility of a wall mirroring the wall between H1 and H3. If this is the case, k1 and k2 could be the site of this quarter. .rd L624 .ri okk -sg Today bp is laying points for k1, k2 and k11 and k12. K13 and k14 have points that are still in backfill, so we will wait until the backfill is cleared to lay those squares. f 2 df ts ds topsoil in k4, like in k3 at a slope of about 30 degrees eastward. This square also slopes slightly to the south, towards the path of another gully. f 2 dy We dug this square with the same strategy as f1 in k3, to level the square and the baulks. Approximately the first 20 cm didn't have any sherds. f 3 df ac ds accumulation above and between the brickfall f4 in the NE quadrant of k11. dy Muhammed Hussein worked in clearing f3 off of f4, in order to clear the lowest slope of the brickfall which originates in A16. Gb wants to take a picture that includes the whole extent of the brickfall soon. f 4 df bf ds brickfall which is found in the NE quadrant of k11. This brickfall is the lowest part of the brickfall which has fallen down the slope of A16. f 5 df ac ds accumulation in k1, thus far bounded by walls f6 and f7, and continuing into the northern baulk. f 6 df w ds N-S mud brick wall in the west, which continues into the baulk and into A16. f 7 df w ds N-S mud brick wall in the east, parallel to wall f6. This wall also continues into the northern baulk and A16. f 8 df ac ds accumulation between brickfall f4 and semi-circular wall f11. f 9 df ac ds accumulation to the w of wall f11 and wall f 7. This accumulation has no clear boundary to the south and the east, as it is not certain the extent of wall f11. f 10 df ts ds soil on top of wall f12, bounded within the northern baulk of k2. sg This soil was originally dug as a level step in order to accommodate a marker for triangulation. This baulk was part of the southern slope of the wadi, so it was particularly difficult to easily place a marker there. dy After only about 20 cm of digging we found bricks and so we stopped levelling. We decided to continue westwards and then eastwards from the step in order to find the extent of these bricks and create a level surface. f 11 df w ds semi-circular wall in k11 which is in the NW quadrant. This wall has its northernmost extent in the baulk of k11. It has mud plaster on the western face. This wall appears to attach to a N-S wall from A16. f 12 df w ds E-W wall in the north baulk of k2. It is a 2 lines wide and only 3 bricks long so far. f 13 df w ds two bricks that are found at the same height as f12, but separated by about 25 cm of accumulation. The orientation of the bricks also appears to be different that f13, so they are assigned a different feature number. More will be determined about this feature after more of the baulk is levelled to the east. f 5 dy this feature was excavated from the top of the feature in the east sloping downwards to the west. Also this feature was cut by the channel of the wadi in the south of k1. Sb was excavating in the south and mentioned that there are many medium-sized pebbles (maybe due to the path of the wadi channel?). The consistency of the matrix is brown earth with reddish brick pieces and ash pockets. f 14 df ac ds ac to the south of f11 and eastwards. It is not clear at this point whether this feature is different from f8 in the rest of the square, but it is so far downslope that we have given it a new feature number. f 15 df ov ds An andiron found in k11, next to and parallel to f7. It is found within the accumulation f9, which is bounded by wall f11, a semi-circular wall. This andiron appears to be fragmentary, missing one leg of its horseshoe shape. A brick is visible in the center of the object, having fallen inside (maybe from the brickfall which is directly above, from A16k8 f49). f 6 =l A16f19 f 7 =l A16f20 f 8 >l f14 f 14