.bk A15 .fl L708okk.j .fn field journal .ed L708 .ei okk .rd L626 .ri okk k 1 sg We will continue the first pass at levelling the square, and excavate f5, the accumulation in this locus which contains a large vessel and grinding stone. k 11 sg We will also level in this square, but starting at the southern end of f17, to find its end. k 4 sg To level the step in the E to bring the whole square to one level. k 1 dy After completing the pass at levelling we saw the top of wall f6 continuing to the south. After speaking to gb, we decided to stop excavating in this square until we have levelled k11 and are closer to the same elevation in k11 as in k1. k 2 dy Today we opened k2, digging a topsoil feature. The goal is to level the square. This square might give us a picture of the southernmost extent of the khabur period structures in this area. f 7 dy After trying to find the southern end of this wall, we found that there did not seem to be any clear bricks, but instead a type of compacted mud. There is a clear difference in hardness and compaction from this feature and the accumulation to the east, f9. f 16 df ts ds topsoil in k2. This feature covers the whole square, but slopes 30 degrees eastward. f 17 df ac ds accumulation to the west of f6, the N-S wall, and N of three stones set in a line, f18. This ac appears to be outside of the building or at least a room. The ac appears to be dark grey and loose in consistency. It is looser than the ac on the other side of the wall, f5. f 18 df st-is ds three stones that form an E-W line and come up to the wall f6. It is unclear whether these stones are part of a wall, but the fact that they form a line appears intentional. f 19 df ac ds fine, grey ashy layer that was the first layer found in k1, bounded by wall f6 and wall f7. f 20 df ac ds accumulation in the NE quadrant of k11, which is loose brown earth with more organic material. It appears to be more homogeneous than the feature above it, f8. Further excavation will clarify the extent of this feature. -sg gb, sb and cc had a discussion about the area this morning. In particular we talked about where we might expect to find the southern boundary of khabur or phase 5 settlement. gb considers that it is likely to be somewhere in the southern squares of A16, and that A15 might contain outlying buildings. This is analogous to the small village of Mozan where outside the main locus of the village there are small storage areas and such. The nature of the settlement here mgiht be of a larger scale than originally anticipated, which is indicated by the recent find of a large platform in A9 of this period. This platform is interpreted as being of a public or civic nature. We might also find phase 4 occupation, of the Isin-Larsa period. .rd L628 .ri okk k 1 sg continue levelling from W to E in accumulation f21. We are still looking for floor in this area. dy Achmad worked in this area today. He began levelling from W to E and found a beaten earth floor about halfway across the square, extending over about the eastern half of the square. f 26 ds appears to be cut by the wadi bed in the south. At the same height as the floor in the wadi channel was found a rusted can, indicating that we haven't yet reached a level of undisturbed ancient accumulation. k 11 sg to level to the E in brickfall f23 and f9. To find the bottom of the andiron and wall f11 and any floor surface associated with them. To clarify the face of wall f11. k 2 sg to level to the surface of walls f12 and f13, to excavate vessel i8 and find a floor surface associated with it. k 3 sg to find the extent of ac f22, which appears to extend over the northern half of k3. lr suggested that it might be a floor surface as there is a similar surface in A16k6. k 12 sg to open this square. The problem here is that this square is the easiest place to bring the wheelbarrows for dirt removal. This is a consideration because if it is not possible to bring the wheelbarrows right up to the side of the baulk it would necessitate at least one extra workman to be in a bucket line to bring the dirt from k1, k2 and k11 out to the dirt pile. It makes the most sense to open up this square next as opposed to opening up k13 or k14 because this square is most likely to be part of the same structural and cultural unit as k1, k2 and k11. It is the SE quadrant (oriented N) of a 20 x 20 m area adjacent to the area of khabur settlement in A16. f 21 df ac ds accumulation below f5 in k1. Consists of hard gray matrix with ash pockets and red brik material and sherds laying flat. This layer is bounded by wall f6, the north baulk and wall f7 and appears to be cut by the gully wash in the south. f 22 df ac ds ac in k3, below the topsoil feature. There only appears to be a small remainder of this feature in the NE quadrant near to the baulk. This is a hard red matrix with large chunks of calcium carbonate. It sits on top of f25. f 23 df bf ds brickfall under f8 in k11. As we dug further in f8 in k11, it became clear that we were digging in brickfall as the size and frequency of bricks increased. f 24 df ac ds ac in SE quadrant of k11 - continuing into the S and E baulk. This feature has many layers, shallow acumulation layers then ash lenses, then new accumulation layers. f 27 df is ds cement basin? Shallow basin constructed of a hard cement-like material. f24 is contained within it.