.bk A15 .fl L727okk.j .fd field journal .ed L727 .ei okk .rd L723 .ri okk -sg We are working in k1,k2,k3 and k4. k 1 dy In k1 we are continuing to uncover the burial aggregate 5, the child burial as well as to continue to excavate in the pit f17. It isn't entirely clear what the eastern limit of f17 is, because there seems to be a floor that comes up near to it and there is still a question as to whether the pit goes underneath the floor or not. In k1 we will continue to excavate the burial, take pictures and remove it and continue to dig and look for the large pit which lies beneath us. We have also noticed today that the small burial, probably the child burial, appears to be in the fetal position, although the head seems to be rotated and the jaw is underneath the head. k 2 dy In k2 we have dug in a small area in the SW quadrant, because it is much higher than the square to the south. k 3 dy While digging in k3 we found another burial in the grey ashy layer f120 with a lot of sherds that looks like it might be a pit or some type of intrusive element. Now it appears as if there is a large vessel, possibly of the Bitumen Use Tradition. This is based on the rim, which is flattened with black paint on the rim and neck. Actually Marilyn came and said that it appears to be Khabur. k 4 dy In k4 we are digging in what appears to be a room or rectangular area surrounded by a red, eroded layer which could be walls. There is also a smaller area like this about half a metre to the north and parallel to it. We are also digging inside of a small tannur which extends into the northern baulk of k94.