.bk A15 .fl L731jlw.j .fd daily journal for A9 assistance to A15 on L731 .ei jlw .ed L731 .rd L731 .ri jlw -wk 7 picks and 18 in support from A9, plus four removal personnel from A15 and A16. Had two extra picks on loan from A10 for 3 hours. Ramadan departed after breakfast to take his daughter to the hospital and did not return. k 13 dy photographed, v152, and then removed bricks, f356. Discovered that metal mold, q657.1, had fallen from N baulk into the excavated dirt pile, where it was found by a workman. We will relay the source, which is about 50cm above the kiln. This probably means that bronze was not smelted or cast in this location. However, we did find kiln waste and misfired pottery 50cm into accumulation, f327, and therefore presume that this was a place where successive industrial facilities were placed atop one another as residue accumulated. Excavated more than 50cm accumulation, f331, surrounding the accumulation, f327, directly below the bricks, f356. At the end of the day, encountered the edge of a pit, f334 in the SW corner of the W baulk. After cleaning in the morning, we will determine its significance, since it may have cut some bricks. Pottery in f331 was Khabur, with a number of painted shapes. k 15 dy continued to dig accumulation, f328, which absorbed accumulation, f325, to the north. q664 was mis-labeled as coming from f325 when it actually came from f328. Encountered somewhat different material under f325/f328. Designated accumulation, f335. In it were 3 large jars along the north baulk, i206, i207, and i208, which were removed for possible restoration. At the end of the day, ceased excavating this locus in favor of higher priority work in other loci in the final days of the season because we have no chance of reaching the floor level of the palace, which is over 1.5 meters below where we are now, with the available workforce. q 664 nr actually comes from f328 rather than f325 as labeled. f 329 df pc ds pebble and sherd surface in NE corner of k5, which does not seem to be associated with any other feature. tc si f330 f 330 df a ds softer accumulation under accumulation, f326, in north half of k5. tc co f332 f 331 df a ds accumulation surrounding cylindrical accumulation, f327, between two layers of bricks, f352 and f356, in the west half of k13. Sherds, misfired pottery, pieces of baked brick, and pieces of vitrified clay scattered throughout. P99 last feature excavated in MZ14 in west half of k13. Starting point for next season of excavation. f 332 df a ds accumulation under accumulation, f330, in the north half of k5 tc co f340 f 333 df ta ds cylindrical tannur body with fluted design on its exterior in the middle of the west baulk of k5. At first, jlw thought that it may have been a column associated with a possible entrance doorway. However, although there is no burned material in the vicinity, it was most likey intended for use in food preparation. tc si f330 P99 not excavated in MZ14. Left in place for a following season. f 334 df fi ds fill associated with a possible pit in the SW corner of the west baulk of k13. No cut evident. May well have been a pocket of specific material in an otherwise more mixed dump. tc si f331 f 335 df a ds accumulation under accumulation, f325/f328 in the north half of k15. P99 last feature excavated in MZ14 in north half of k15. Starting point for next season of excavation. f 336 df fc ds reddish, crumbly floor surface in the NW corner of k5. May be associated with wall, f324, seen in section in the western part of the north baulk. May also be associated with tannur, f333, in that the floor surface was at the same elevation as, and abutted the extant top of the tannur. tc ab f333 tc co f330 f 337 df f ds floor surface in west part of middle of k5. vp believes that it may be associated with bricks, f324. tc ab f324