.bk A15 .fl L819okk.j .fd field journal okk&ed .ei okk .ed L819 .rd L819 .ri okk f 119 df a ds compacted red accumulation in the southern half of k3. It forms an irregular line 1.5 m northwards from the southern baulk and tapers to 65 cm at the easternmost extent at the SE corner. The texture once scraped was very fine, and became a reddish-white powder. When this feature was first uncovered, there was an overturned bowl i37 and a seal impression i36 which was found in the accumulation f112 above it and resting on this feature. This accumulation was clearly differentiated from the grey accumulation f120 to the north of it from the beginning in color, compaction and percentage of pottery. It was thought to be either a wall or the accumulation on top of a wall that had been eroded. f 112 tc co f119 f 120 df a ds dark grey loose accumulation and grey compacted accumulation to the north of f119 in k3. It is loose grey earth with a high percentage of sherds in the central portion and harder compacted light grey accumulation with lesser sherds. Unfortunately this accumulation was not sufficiently differentiated at the point of excavation, although now it is clearer that there was a difference between the two areas of this feature. There was a painted khabur sherd found at the top of the loose grey matrix, so it should be dated to the khabur period. This accumulation covers the rest of the square, other than a harder, compacted accumulation to the west with a kiln, a4(f121 cut for pit kiln, f122 fill of kiln). So part of this feature appears to be some type of fill or intrusive element. After excavation we began to find the remains of a skeleton, and so it became clear that there was a burial beneath this area, a7(f135 fill, f165 cut of burial). f 111 tc co f120 f 121 df cut ds cut for pit kiln, f122 is the fill (a4). This was first seen from the top as a gray-green circle in the central eastern part of k3. It is 90 cm in diameter, with gray-green burnt wall of 2cm in thickness. It is 37 cm in depth. We made the determination that it was a kiln based on the recognition of a pit with burnt walls that had turned gray-green from a long, hot fire. Also, because we had found so much kiln waste in the features above (f41, f103, f110) it suggested to us that we might be near to an area where kilns were in use. There were no structures such as a flue that would be used for allowing oxygen into a kiln to keep a fire going. It appears that if it was a pit kiln it was a very simple one used only once or a couple of times, because the extent of burning is relatively little, the depth is quite shallow and there is no flue. It is also possible that this was a pit used for the burning of some other material and not a kiln at all. f 121 tc cu f120 sg Once we identified the circle which we believed to be a kiln, we decided to first section the kiln to distinguish the shape and depth of the structure. We made a N-S section of half of the kiln. Then we excavated the fill of the kiln to see the bottom of the kiln wall and whether there was any material such as ash, kiln waste, bricks or pottery wasters that would suggest kiln use. f 122 df fi ds fill of kiln f121. This fill is compacted grey accumulation with pieces of burnt brick that appear pink on one side and white on the other. It contained a small amount of pottery. There wasn't any kiln waste, ash or any other direct evidence of kiln use. f 122 tc si f121 f 123 df gv ds This grave, aggregate 5, was located in the center of k1. f123 is an irregular cut for a grave which had 3 bricks laid to the east of the cut. Each of these bricks measure approximately 30cm in length and 10cm in width. The length of the cut is 135 cm, the width at the northern end (the widest) is 50 cm. The depth is 20 cm. The shape and x and y dimensions of the grave cut are based on of what was extant after excavation, but the edges of the cut were not extremely clear. The fill of this grave is f124. This grave was cut into the accumulation below floor f26, f107. As this grave was cut into accumulation below floor and was completely covered by a floor of phase 5c it is likely that it is dated to phase 5b. tc cu f107 f 124 df fi ds This grave, aggregate 5, was located in the center of k1. f124 is the fill and contains the human body and artifacts therein. The fill was loose brown earth and contained a small amount of pottery. Also there was the skeleton i42 in fetal position facing westwards, with its head pointed south. The body is that of a child, the skeleton measures only 55 cm from head to feet (although it is in fetal position). A rough estimate of age is about 5-6 years old (this is based on size and is not the opinion of a specialist). There were three vessels; i44 a pot placed to the E of the body near the ribcage, i46 a painted jar and i45 an unpainted jar at the feet of the body. These vessels were quite small in size, as if produced for a child. i44 is 4.8 cm in height, i45 12.4 cm in height, and i46 14.8 cm in height. tc si f123 f 125 df ac ds Soft and granular brown accumulation in SW corner of K2. It abuts platform f12, wall f109 and accumulation f47. This accumulation is at the westernmost area of k2, which is only a few centimeters from topsoil. tc ab f12 tc ab f109 tc ab f47 f 126 df ta ds tannur found in the westernmost area of k4 and the E baulk of k94. f127 is the fill. It measures 50 cm in diameter and has a wall thickness of 1 cm. It is 50 cm in depth. The context of this tannur isn't entirely clear as it was excavated quite quickly. It appeared to rest upon a red layer f101? and suggests that there was some type of scattered occupation in this area as it isn't associated with any structures or good floors in this area. sg In order to excavate this tannur we excavated the fill of the tannur partially first and then around the northern side of the tannur, which was more distinct. We then reached the bottom of the tannur and a red layer. tc re f101 f 127 df fi ds fill of tannur f126. This fill is crumbly grey accumulation which came out in large pieces. tc si f126 f 128 df a ds accumulation in the east baulk of k93. This accumulation is crumbly grey earth with a high percentage of sherds. This accumulation is the lowest part of the wadi bed a10, and so was quite compacted on the surface but came out in pieces as it was excavated. Below this feature was the f141, accumulation above floor f146. =l f129 tc ab f129 tc ov f141 f 129 df a ds accumulation in the western 1/3 of k3. This accumulation is crumbly grey earth with a high percentage of sherds. This accumulation is the lowest part of the wadi bed a10, and so was quite compacted on the surface but came out in pieces as it was excavated. Below this feature was the f141, accumulation above floor f146. This feature also extends to the S in k4, and was excavated as the accumulation above stone wall f191. tc ab f129 tc ov f141 f 130 df pt-c ds This pit cut was in the NW quadrant of k1 and extended into the baulk of k91. This pit was irregularly shaped; the northernmost and southernmost extent were approximately straight lines, the westernmost extent was cut by the baulk, and the easternmost extent is cut into two semicircular lines. The southernmost extent of the pit also contained a row of large stones which appear to line the pit, f18. It is approximately 65 cm at its deepest, although the pit floor is higher in the east. This pit is dug into f107 and f137, the accumulations below floor f26. This smaller ashy pit rests upon a much larger pit below it, a11. The walls of a1 were laid upon this pit, and as a1 is considered to be phase 5c, it appears that this pit is 5b. This pit a8 is cut into the same accumulations as graves a5, a18, a19 and probably a20, so they are likely contemporary. sg This pit was dug carefully first from the top to distinguish the boundary of the pit. Then the fill was dug until we reached a compacted, levelled red lense that appeared to be the bottom of this pit a8 and the top of the larger pit below it, a11. This red lense was reached in the west, but a higher compacted pit floor was found in the east. tc cu f107 tc cu f137 f 117 tc re f130 f 131 df fi ds fill of pit a11, f132 is the cut. The fill consists of grey earth, with a large proportion of pottery. tc re f132 f 132 df pt-c ds pit a11, f131 is the fill. This is a very large pit which was excavated in a13 in the past seasons and now in A16 to the north. The portion of the pit which is in A15 is relatively small, although deep. ;a 11 ;=l a13