.bk A15 .fl L823okk.j .fd field journal edited by okk .ei okk .ed L823 .rd L731 .ri sb k 1 dy In k1 we dug a few cm of f161, the ac next to f174 (floor), and the same floor extends all the way north until the pit cut. We started removing the baulk between k1&k2, assigned it f186. We found a burial, the structure is f187. The fill is f188. Since it's difficult to take relays we only took i60, & i61, two small pots, and not the bones, under the two pots, and not a bronze. The burial is a21: f187, f188 fill in bu, i60, i61, i62 ma, i63 hb. k 2 dy In k2, yesterday found a floor in the NW corner, which we had seen in section from A13, it appears to be the same height as f174 in k1. By removing the baulk we should expose the whole feature. Meanwhile, in k2 we are seeing a different situation. There is a rectangular band in the middle of gray ac, new f198 and some red around it. Now it's all levelled, same elevation 8840 -125. There might be a pit. It looks like a rectangular grey ac bound by two walls. nv The top of f189 is 8702. f 174 dy Under the baulk, the floor f174 continue toward S; but it's 10 cm lower than the floor f189. We removed f189 which was a very small part, and saw the f174 continue. We are exploring the whole f174, the accumulation just 10 cm above it is f195. .rd L801 .ri sb dy This morning the west half of k1 & k2 are all open and levelled, yesterday afternoon the large jar of the burial i59 was removed. Underneath there is a tannur and small part of sherd floor. Since we expect to find the E-W wall and doorway of the courtyard in A13, we are digging down with big pick to the west of the tannur. New f197 is the reddish accumulation below the floor f174. Today relays were taken of the floor f174 and of the grey accumulation f198. f 180 df cut ds cut of the bu f 181 df so ds soil within burial (i59) f 198 nl feature 198 is substituted for f194 which we found out was already used by Carlo. There are only 3 bags from yesterday. f 199 dy Made a new feature of ac below the large jar burial, f199, where the tannur is, the tannur is f200 el 2774/0/57. f 181 dy Yesterday the large jar i59 was removed. There were human bones inside, hb i65, and also a small painted bowl i66, and a bead inside it i67. All same relay as i59. i 70 nr Found nice black pot, thick wall, in E section of k2, it is i70. f 131 dy After breakfast, dug into pit f131, found the large stone of flagstone floor in one small round part. Decided to dig out the rest of accumulation under the pit f131, above flagstone floor. f 161 dy To the S, excavated in f161 for the southern part of pit. Found a skull, photographed, not relayed, it's a q-lot. .rd L802 .ri sb k 1 dy Last day of excavation, we are concentrating all effort on finding the continuation of the wall running E-W of the A13 courtyard. We are digging in a space of 3x4 m. Found the threshold yesterday and some large stones this morning. The soil on top of this wall (f197), till the pit to the north is extremely clean, reddish brown, with no sherds, no bone, no charcoal. To the S of wall instead it's grey & red, with lots of ash pockets. Made a new f213. The door stones are f210, and the ash grey accumulation layer to the S of pit is f209.