.bk A15 .fl L918okk1.j .fd feature descriptions .ed L918 .ei okk .rd L918 .ri okk f 7 ds This wall is 39 cm high at its highest. f 37 ds This wall is 84cm high at its southern face, and at least 140cm at its northern face. The inner (southern) face of the wall is plastered, so the courses of bricks cannot be counted. The fact that the wall at its southern face adjoins a bench and then a living floor surface, but that the wall on its northern face continues down is evidence that house a16 was in use in more than one phase. C10 Further excavation in the area of A16k7 will indicate if there is an earlier floor surface associated with the bottom of this wall. f 6 ds This wall is 46cm high at its corner with f37. The wall is eroded and so slopes at approximately 40 degrees northward. f 11 ds At the northern end of this wall it is 120cm in height, at the center of the wall where it curves downward it is 75cm, and at its western end it is 29cm in height. f 42 ds This wall is 7 courses of brick high, about 75cm at its highest. f 43 ds This wall is also about 7 courses of brick high, about 66cm at its highest. f 13 ds This wall is 3 visible courses high, and approximately 40cm in height. This wall is particularly eroded, as it was cut by the modern gully f40.