.bk A15 .fl N726ms.j .fd daily journal N726 .ed N726 .ei ms .rd N726 .ri ms -sg meeting with gb, fab, jo, jw, ms to discuss next steps. We know the kln fill f373 goes very deep. It is strange how low this ph5 is. We will cut a trench into f373 parallel to the e baulk to see if it continues there. We know it is in section at the we section of k13 and k14. The ph3 street is right there at the w portion of k14 and k13 and assumed to be ph3. It is extremely important to see where this kiln fill ends and what relationship to ph3 and any ph4 there is. This will also help with speedier dirt removal since we do have a long way to go. We decided also to put a trench in k15 to see what is below. We have about a meter of dirt to remove toget to the level of a34, f411, the jars in k5 w of the baulk. We will not remove the jars until we come down to the presumed other side of the room. We must also remove the n baulk of k13, k3. -wk Rashid and Majid K left to work with the Germans so we are down to 18 workmen, including six pickmen. Three of the pickmen are new pickmen, Mas'ud, Nasm and Median. So far they seem to be working well. Castro also came today and we had him start working on the section of the n baulk of k13 to k3. We are bringing back Steff and Yestafa to work on the trench in k15. Will get more dirt removers as we need. k 5 dy still working in a34, f411. still finding more, but smaller jars. We have a complete baked brick lying horizontally at the n end of the aggregate. It is near several small jars lying on their sides. This may indicate we have the floor. There are other bricks nearby, but broken and on their sides. We also have the imprint of what appears to be a piece of matting. It does not seem to be a basket. It is a spiral design and about ----- cm across. We may refer to this as a negative item, n1. Will consult with gb. After much consultation we feel it may be a woven mat used traditionally for putting under hot things. Should cease excavating in this area soon and protect the jars as much as possible. Took photos v195 Nasm was working w of wall f413. f422 seems to continue as an accumulation. f423 is more bricky. We removed the first layer and seem to have come down on more bricks, per jo. This is still a difficult area to interpret. f422 is very narrow and we have a new jar in situ there. It is between wall f413 and the bricks of f423. We will continue in f422 and look for a floor. k 15 dy Ramadan finished cleaning out fi f424 in pit f425. We then began digging the trench ns along the e baulk. This is f426. k 14 dy still working in f399. This is still contained on the n by a cut with f373 which has become f420. In section it is still possible to see the sherds of the beginning of this f399. Above it the accumulation was more like f372 to the s, below the sherd level, it is more like the accumulation to the north, but the cut still seems to exist. Came down on sherds seen in section in of bin, f155. It is a small layering of sherds but does not appear to be a floor. We have named this pc f430. Took photos v196. k 13 dy f420 was named on N724 to be the gray accumulation seen in section of the n kiln. It was determined to change all of what had been f373 to f420. Although this was seen in section it seems to spread throughout the locus and into k14 as well. Meezer is removing f420 from here and coming down on the orange surface, f414. Although we have not gotten the continuous surface between n and s of the kiln it will most likely connect. The buildup and packing of the kiln is much easier to see at this level. Will take photos in the morning. The kiln work area seems to be clear. We are also following the ashy area, f427 to get its differentiation from f417. Kiln waste continues. Northernmost kiln is a30, southernmost kiln is a31. Numbers assigned in MZ14.