.bk A15 .fl N727ms1.j .fd feature ds f394 to f403 .ed N727 .ei ms .rd N717 .ri ms f 394 df pt ds pit in k5. Fill is f391. Cuts w f387 to east and possibly to w although this is unclear. Bricks are clear e section of pit. tc cu f387 f 395 df a ds brownish accumulation in s portion of f373 in k14. Abuts pedestal of stones f376. Brownish material seemed to be different from typical kiln accumulation of f373. It is softer with less inclusions. However, there is no clear delineation and differentiation of accumulation did not continue. P1 N719 f 396 df pa ds white plaster on n face of two bricks of wall f378 in k15. It is very nice plaster but does not appear in other parts of the wall or other walls in the aggregate a35. f 397 df a ds accumulation north of pit f394 in k5. This is a large, deep accumulation contained on the e by w f413 and on the w by stones f431, although this accumulation does continue under the stones and to the tannur f432. This is an undifferentiated pale brown fill with few inclusions or objects. f 398 df a ds bricky accumulation west of e baulk of k5 and easat of pit f394. This a is under f382 and is more bricky than that accumulation. S of wall f387 and may be related to this wall somehow. .rd N719 .ri ms f 399 df pc ds layer of sherds under accumulation f392. There are Khabur sherds included in this layer making it ph5. It was seen in section of clay bin f155 and is related to this somehow. There is a definite seperation between this layer and the sherd/stone layer to the south, f384. The cut is in line with the bin. There is also a cut to the north with f373 although it is not as clear as to the s. P1 N726 f 400 df ts ds topsoil seen in a very thin layer on the e baulk of k5 and the n baulk of k15. f 401 df ly ds small layer of dark gray material seen in s section of baulk in k14. This was a very small area of fine grains. It was not found when we took down the baulk. f 403 df bk ds bricks seen in section in pit f394. These bricks were mostly likey cut by the pit. Possibly related to wall f387. The bricks are gray and orange in alternating layers and very thin, only 7cm thick as opposed to the 12-15 cm thickness we have elsewhere. f 402 df a-bone ds burial of an animal whose species has not yet been determined. First thought to have been human, but determined to be animal by the physical anthroplogist. Unusually, the burial was cut into wall, f389, which may indicate that the animal had some special significance.