.bk A15 .fl N805ms.j .fd daily journal N805 .ed N805 .ei ms .rd N805 .ri ms -sg meeting with gb, fab, jo, jw and ms to discuss the rest of the season. Our options were to stay at ph3 and wait for A18 to also get there so we would have ph3 across the board, or to keep going to ph2. The problem would be waiting for A18 and since there are time constraints it was decided that we will remove any ph3 and get down to ph2. k 2 dy finished removing fill f484 and fill f485 from pits in k2. f484 seems to be in the middle of kiln waste, f373 and we will continue removing this tomorrow. f485 cuts possible wall f489 which is made of red brick. It is unusual because the bricks seem to be laid on end and almost look as though the wall has fallen. This was uncovered during removal of generic accumulation, f472. We will continue removing f472 tomorrow to see the full extent of the wall and take photos. k 15 dy finished removing the sherd layer, f454. This really seemed to sit in a pit because there is a dramatic cut with the material in the rest of the locus. We have named the rest of the feature fill f488 and have begun removing this. We will watch the pottery from here to see if Khabur sherds continue to appear. It is important to pay attention to this cut in order to insure we really have ph4 throughout the rest of the area. k 13 dy this locus continues to be key, yet is still a little difficult to understand because of the cuts and pits of phase 5 kilns and kiln waste. We should be pretty much out of the kiln waste, but perhaps have a little left in a f468 which is along the w the side of the locus. As we go down it appears to be a cut and probably ph5. Continued delineating f483 which is the reddish brown area which appeared on N804 after removing f462 red bricks. It now appears that this may be a continuation of these bricks. Had meeting with gb and fab and believe this may be the top of a ph 2 wall. Since it's the top it makes sense for it to be poorly preserved. The bricks are three courses wide with thick mortar in between which is not typical of the palace itself. The faces of the wall are not good and the courses are unclear. It is now thought that maybe the stones and sherds of f467 may be a foundation for this wall. We have differentiated between the accumulation to the north and south just to keep close watch on the features in the important area. f486 is the accumulation to the south and f487 is the accumulation to the north. We began removing both today to come up to the face of the wall, f483. f 483 df w ds reddish brown area which appeared on N804 after removing f462 red bricks. It now appears that this may be a continuation of these bricks. Had meeting with gb and fab and believe this may be the top of a ph 2 wall. Since it's the top it makes sense for it to be poorly preserved. The bricks are three courses wide with thick mortar in between which is not typical of the palace itself. The faces of the wall are not good and the courses are unclear. f 462 tc co f483 .rd N803 f 468 df a ds fine brown accumulation in w edge of k13. This appears to be part of a cut that was mostly removed in MZ14 with only some remnants remaining. The pottery is Khabur. A portion of this a cuts into the possible west face of w f483. f 469 df a ds reddish accumulation under f442 in k13. Possible brickmelt related to f483.