.bk A15 .fl N808ms.j .fd daily journal N807 .ed N808 .ei ms .rd N807 .ri ms -dy ms spent most of the day in the house. Bruna Mariani, bM, will join the A15 team in the mornings, from 5-9. Stopped work at 12:15 because today is payday. k 15 dy continued removing f372 for a while, but for the most part removed red black surface, f451 and are coming down on brown accumulation f491. Pit f481 is also practically removed. Uncovered more of f482 which may be more accumulation than wall. It will be looked at more on Saturday. k 13 dy finished remvoing f471 had have come down to a f493. This feature is also under f420 and the accumulation f487 which was directly n of f483, the wall. Still unable to find any face for this wall. jw thinks it is more likely to be a floor type installation rather than a wall. We will continue to look for the face. If it is the top of a wall, it would be very eroded at this point. Approached it from the south by continuing to remove f486. k 2 dy finished removing the accumulation f472 and also the brick wall, f489. We have declared f492 to be a wall that is primarily brickmelt at first glance. This is red brick and runs north-south in the eastern section of the k. While removing the accumulation f482 we also uncovered f494 which are large stones running under the wall, apparently foundation stones. This wall may connect with stones found in k3 just w of f493. .rd N803 f 469 df a ds reddish fill under f468 to the south of the cut of the kiln a30 in k13. This may be still be a ph5 kiln related accumulation. Seems to cut the wall f487 in the west. f 470 df a ds trench cut into ph4 accumulation in k15. Cut runs EW and contains sherd accumulation/floor, f454. Per MKB dated to Khabur, ph5. f 471 df a ds reddish accumulation originally thought to be melted brick or part of a wall. This may be true, but there is accumulation visible underneath, f493. Also when it was removed a small, complete jar was found, i265. It may have been part of a wall but there is no connection to any other features and was cut by kiln waste, f416 and f420. f 472 df a ds hard block of accumulation throughout portion of k2. This feature was given to the accumulation left from end of excavation of MZ14 that was not differentiated by any other aspects. nr Thirteen q-lots containing a large quantity of ceramic material were excavated from this feature. f 473 df fi ds fill of pit-c f495 that cuts accumulation f472 f 495 tc cu f472 f 474 df a ds brown accumulation in n portion of k2. Over red bricky material, f476, seen in section. Most likely same accumulation as f472 f 475 df ly ds thin layer of ash between brown accumulation f474, and brickfall of f476. Similar to layer f450 in k15 f 476 df a ds brick melt under accumulations f474 and f475. Seen primarily along the edges of the accumulation left from the excavations of MZ14 .rd N804 f 477 df ly ds possible remains of reed matting. Runs up to bricks f462 on the n. Did not seem to go under the bricks when these were removed, but it just may have been impossible to see. Sample taken as i264 f 478 df ly ds small layer of bricks seemingly like an andiron but cut by pit f480 and without any associated remains. Also possible cut by pit f460. Seems to be part of f451 or perhaps related to in some way. f451 is red burnt layer. f 479 df fi ds fill from pit f480. This was cut by pit f460 and remains are ashy but it is very small. tc si f480 f 480 df pt-c ds cut of pit containing fill f479. Also seems to be cut by f460. a 50 df pt-a ds Large pit in k15 with cut f498 and fill f481. f 481 df fi ds fill contained by pit f498 in k15. The fill is ashy and red and is very similar to the surrounding layer, f451, but much softer. tc si f498 f 498 df pt-c ds cut for fill of pit a50 in k15. More of an indentation and softer area than the surrounding f451, rather than a sharply dug pit.