.bk A15 .fl N809ms.j .fd daily journal N809 .ed N809 .ei ms .rd N809 .ri ms -sg paying extremely close attention to all the interconnections among the features is of the utmost importance now as we are out of phase 5 and coming down to ph4, ph3 and maybe even the top of a ph2 wall. k 2 dy meeting with gb, fab, jw, ms to discuss f489. This is the vertical red brick wall that is difficult to interpret. We removed most of it on N807 but there is one course left. There appears to be a coating of perhaps plaster or or paint, f500, and this is what we are interested in. It seems as the the wall fell completely on its side. There is no evidence of bricks at an angle. The white layer does not appear to be a floor because there is nothing in section to show any accumulation or packing underneath that would indicate a floor surface. sb, ba and bm will remove a piece of the wall with the plaster. They will attempt to determine what the material is which may give us an idea of what it is, paint or plaster. One point is that this white layer adheres more to the surface under the wall, rather than to the bricks themselves. We will also finish removing the small areas of kiln waste and accumulation, f472, that still remain in the area. There may be a pit that extends further into k3. We will clean well and scrape to see if there is indeed a cut here. k 14 dy went down in f486 brown accumulation to n of wall f486. There seems to be another course appearing under this accumulation. This is along the NS course of the wall which had been a single row previously. The face of the EW section is clearer here as well. Also removed more accumulation w of f486. f499 is a small trench that was created inadvertantly and runs along this part of the wall. Will examine further to see if the face continues here. k 13 dy removed the last bits of f468 in the NW corner. Then began going down in f493, brown accumulations n of the wall, f483 in its EW course. f471 was removed on N807 but there appears to be a little bit more remaining. We found the beginning of small stones underneath this area and will examine further tomorrow. k 15 dy finished removing the fill f481 from pt f498, and the fill f459 from pt f460. The fill f481 was burnt ashy, red material. Under f491, the accumulation there is a red bricky material but no bricks seem to be there. It is very important that we understand what is happening as we go down in this area because of the association with the jar floor, a34, in k5. After meeting with gb, fab, jw and ms we decided to move in from the north and remove the entire section up to where the a34 installation begins in k5. This will give us a good section and we will have a better idea of what is happening and why the installation remained so intact. We began by removing a portion of f433 from the north. However, this appears to be part of a wall as there may be plaster on the south face. f433 is red bricky material and the north face was cut by the clay bin for the kilns, f155 which is why it was not seen before. This may also be related to the bricks of f457. f 457 df w ds this was originally thought to be a floor but may actually be part of a phase 2 wall. The bricks are large, and laid out very similarly to f483 with very thick mortar. f 482 df pb ds this is an accumulation in k15 which at first appears to be a stone/sherd surface, but may actually be part of a wall. Runs EW for a bit.