.bk A15 .fl N810ms.j .fd daily journal N810 .ed N810 .ei ms .rd N810 .ri kbo f 493 ns q1105 has 13 S ware conical cup sherds; these are typical for Phase 2, it also has one interior groove rim sherd but this jar rim shape extends over a long period of time. The remaining portion of the lot contained undatable body sherds. At this point we cannot give a date for f493. .rd N804 .ri mkb f 470 ns regarding the question you had on the date of this feature: Jamal and I looked at the sherd lots for date sensitive forms and can give you the following results: q940 1 possible Habur body sherd, 1 certain Habur jar rim sherd, 2 Phase 4 jar rims, 1 Phase 4 carinated bowl sherd. This feature is to be dated to the Khabur period. f 450 ns q928 had no clearly dated sherds f 468 ns q938 had 2 Habur body sherds, 3 H bowl sherds, 1 H jar sherd. Q939 had 2 H body sherds. This feature is clearly the Khabur period. .rd N810 .ri ms k 15 dy still some fill or pit f460 left. We removed everything to the north of a34 jar installation. Came down on sherd layer which is apparently the eastern continuation of f208. We are working around the wall f433 and moving carefully to have clean features and lots for analysis. Seem to have found the eastern facing face of w f433 seen in section. Will continue identifying and removing cuts and older features. Continued removing f372, accumulation to come down on f482, possible wall. k 2 dy removed, hopefully, last remnants for f472 newer accumulations. Per gb, we will begin going down in accumulations from south to north. This is f501. We will remove the along the western edge of w f492. There are stones running EW at s edge of accumulation f501. They may be more foundation stones and we will examine further tomorrow. k 13 dy came down in accumulation f493 which is to the north of wall f483. This is fairly clean area, no floors but continuing to see poor face of wall on south. k 14 dy continued removing f486 to the south and east of w f483. This is thought to be inside room fill. We are saying that f486 is bounded by f483 on the north and west, and by f457 on the south. That is how we are digging the accumulation. We will attempt to find face of f457 if it is a wall rather than a floor.