.bk A15 .fl N816jw2.j .fd daily journal for N816 .ri jw .rd N816 .ed N816 .ei jw -wk Masum, Abd el-Karim and Ferhad were detailed to us for the day from A12/A14. -dy work continued in k2, k14, and k15. In k2, we finished identifying which sectors of f489 had the plaster coating and removed three to the conservation laboratory for cleaning. In k14, three pickmen worked to excavate f486 more quickly. In k15 we identified a wall that possibly bounded the room on the east where the large storage jars were found in k5 to the west. k 2 dy Stef and Yestafad excavated the sectors of fallen wall f489 that did not contain the plaster coating seen in section and already found along the SE corner. Stef removed three isolated sectors that did contain plaster for cleaning and possible restoration by the conservator. We noticed a vertical line of plaster that corresponded to the face of wall f492/494 about 5cm to the west of f494 and Yestafad began removing the accumulation f517 south of f489 to approach it from the west. sg gb, fab, and jw met to discuss the impact of the discovery of the vertical plaster face f518. It appears likely that it forms the eastern boundary of a room that was sealed by the fallen wall f489. If so, it means that we will have a room that is clearly associated with the ceremonial courtyard to the north and the Tar-am Agade seal impression to the west. It will be a major goal of this season to excavate this room. k 14 dy Muhammad Kher, Masum and Abd el-Karim continued to remove accumulation f486 which we presume overlays one of the palace floors. This presumption was strengthened today when we found fragments from a small, delicate stone cup (i280) and two other large ceramic cups with thinner walls than we have encountered here to date. The strategy of putting three excellent pickmen here paid dividends due to the symbiotic effect of cooperative effort. k 15 dy Work here proceeded at a slightly quicker pace today. Mizar finished excavating the fill from a very large pit. We attempted to determine whether the line of reddish material along the south baulk f508 was a wall top. Pick runs from the east and west revealed that it was most likely a brick wall. If so, it would probably form the eastern boundary of the space to the west in k5 that contains the large jars. Ramadan continued to remove the accumulation f509. fab postulated that the large stone basin i279 may have been the socket for the main gate. Both this and a slightly smaller hollowed out stone in k4 have inside diameters of 30cm, which would accommodate the large posts expected to be at either end of a formal entrance door. f 517 df a ds Dark eddish-gray accumulation in k2 under accumulation f501 along southern edge of square. f 501 tc co f517