.bk A15 .fl N817jw.j .fd daily journal for N817 .ri jw .rd N817 .ed N817 .ei jw -dy work continued in k2, k14, and k15. In k2 we removed more sectors of fallen wall 489 which appear to have a plaster surface. In k14, we continued to excavate the possible Phase 2 room, but we changed feature numbers of accumulations above the anticipated floor due to the fact that it became cleaner and contained more whole ceramic vessels and fewer sherds. We also found the east face of the the N-S companion to wall f483, which bounds the room to the north. In k15, we removed the last remnants of the fill of a deep, late phase pit, and began to excavate the accumulation f521 which is bounded to the east by wall f508 and which is expected to overlay additional component jars to those in a34, just to the west. Worked in the afternoon with a six-man crew to finish this task. We continued to remove the accumulation to the east of wall f508, which is relatively soft compared to f521. In the early morning we deployed the train crew to assist Muhammad Omo in building a berm to the east of A15 to keep winter rains from washing over the east baulk and down into the deep excavation. -sg gb, ms and jw met late in the day to discuss the strategy for the last days of work and to review resources and schedules. In k15/k5, we need to remove the rest of the f521 accumulation and finish defining the extents of wall f508. Then, after special photography by the specialists from Rome and an overhead photograph, the jars will be removed and conserved. We will clear the rest of k15 to the elevation of the floor associated with the jars and stop there for the season. In k14 we must continue excavating accumulation f518 until we reach the floor associated with walls f483 and f520. We also need to find the north face of wall f483, the north face of wall f457, and the west brick face or at least the underlying stones of wall f518. In k14, after photographing the building foundation f214 and the associated street to the east of it, we will remove both and begin to search for additional elements of Phase 2 architecture below. In k3, we will excavate from west to east to remove the accumulation f510 to the west of the expected lower portions of wall f520 in k14. It is not certain whether we will encounter a floor or if so, whether it will be that of a covered or an open space. We will also excavate from east to west, approaching the well in the SE corner of k93 to find if there is a large Phase 2 surface associated with a drain in the southern part of k93 that shares the same elevation as a small platform inside the well that was found by jw in MZ14. In k2 we must finish removing the plaster coating from the underside of fallen wall f489, then excavate what lies beneath to reach what we anticipate is a Phase 2 floor associated with the major N-S wall f492/f494. Portions of vertical plaster coating can be seen. With respect to resources, more pickmen and dirt removal personnel will be required. If they can be made available on N818, we have a good chance of finishing on schedule at the end of the week, perhaps with afternoon work sessions. This is particular true if we can close A17 at the end of N818. -wk Ramadan, Runi, and Sadiq excused by gb for various appointments in town after breakfast. In mid-morning we temporarily stopped excavating A17k2 and diverted Sa'ud to work with Muhammad Hair in k14 to speed work there and Muhammad Kher to work in Ramadan's place in k15. .ri ms -sg early in the day meeting with gb, mkb, fab, ms and jw. Four days left of digging. Priorities are to find the other half of the jar installation and remove all of the jars. Also want, if possible to find wall faces of maybe associated first floors. Want to take down square stone area, f214. It's assumed this is Phase 3 so we will be looking for Phase 2 below. There are stones to the west of f214 that seem to make no sense so perhaps we would have a better understanding after removal. Also attempting to find Phase 2 floor by removing accumulation in k2 and moving up to Phase 2 wall. k 15 dy finished removing fill f459 from pit cut f460, just north of wall f509. Really pressing to find the west face of f509. This would hopefully be the eastern edge of the jar installation a34 in k5. Slowed down by 3-D photography so moving into wall from east. Also attempting to find S face of possible was f433. This may only be one or two courses thick - damaged by bin, f155. k 14 dy found the east face of f483 and foundation of sherds and stones. Gave new feature number, f518 to accumulation below f486. Started to remove accumulation f519 to the west of f483 N-S wall. Attempting to find west face wall f520, either bricks or stones/sherds. k 2 dy removing wall. Also working in accumulation f517 toward west face of N-S wall. .ri jw k 2 dy conservation specialist bm continued to assist Stef in removing portions of fallen wall f489. Four sectors were removed to the house for further work. Conservation specialist ba prepared a plaster mold for what may be the impression of a fallen cornice that would have capped the wall. It will be moved to the house tomorrow. Yestafad continued to excavate north in accumulation f517 towards the face of the N-S major brick and stone wall, f492/f494. Because of interference with the conservation work, his activities there were suspended. k 14 dy at the beginning of the day we closed f486, accumulation, and opened f518, the accumulation just below. We did so because it began to contain more whole, relatively delicate simple ware vessels. Muhammad Hair noticed evidence of a line of bricks along the southern edge, which had been cut by Phase 5 pits. This is probably the north face of E-W wall f457, which until now we have been unable to find with certainty. Yestafad began to seek the west face of N-S wall f520 by excavating the accumulation f519 immediately to the west of where we believed it would be. Although the wall appears to have been cut by another one of the large pits, we did find a layer of stones and sherds typical of the transition point between the lower stone and upper brick parts of Phase 2 walls. Further excavations in k3 tomorrow will help clarify the situation. k 15 dy Ramadan and Muhammad Kher continued to clear the accumulation f509 found in most of the locus. Mizar tried with some success to find the north, east and west faces of wall f508. After the meeting with gb et. al., we decided to remove all of accumulation f521 which overlaid the jar room, a34. Mizar and Muhammad Hair did so in an afternoon work session, finding the west face of wall f520 in the process, as well as the transitional sherd and stone layer to large stones below the bricks. sg tomorrow we will take the final photo in the daily progress series, remove the camera mount, take the 3-D photos of the jars, then remove the entire assemblage of jars to conservation for restoration. f 518 df a ds accumulation under f486 and contained by walls f457 to the south, by f487 to the north and by f520 to the west in k14. Expected to overlay a Phase 2 floor. f 519 df a ds accumuation to the west of the extant portion of wall f520 in k14. It may in fact be the remnants of that wall, which was cut by a series of large pits. f 520 df w ds mudbrick wall running N-S in k14 with intact east face and west face damaged by a succession of later pits. We can see both bricks and the sherd interface with lower stones to the east, but only the stones and sherds on the west side. The wall is about 120 cm thick. f 521 df a ds accumulation along the western edge of k15, west of wall f508 and overlaying the area contained a cache of large jars, a34.